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History of Aviation |
FSS History |
. | Last updated
03/18/17 This page contains a chronological history of PHOTOS
Date | Location | Description | Reference |
1/7/1946 |
Watertown |
Army approves plan to use base housing [see 1/5/46 & 1/14/46] |
Public Opinion |
1/14/1946 |
Watertown |
16 apartments to be ready soon [see 1/5/46 and 1/7/46] |
Public Opinion |
1/14/1946 |
Sisseton |
Harold Brink secured lease for proposed municipal airport 2 east and half north of Sisseton. Plans to build and maintain a hanger and office |
Public Opinion |
1/15/1946 |
Watertown |
Army gives city a 5 year lease for airport |
Public Opinion |
1/16/1946 |
Watertown |
Air Base officially declared surplus and closed. Several weeks will be needed to finish winding up shutdown then the base will operate under the Corps of Engineers until the maintenance agreement with the city expires |
Public Opinion |
1/17/1946 |
Minneapolis |
DW Pennertz; President of North Central Airways; Inc.. announced that the CAB is considering a proposal for passenger and mail feeder routes in South Dakota. Stops would be Mobridge; Selby; Onida; Pierre; Kennebec; Chamberlain; Kimball; Mitchell; Salem; A |
Public Opinion |
1/18/1946 |
Sioux Falls |
Sioux Falls Air Base declared surplus [see 12/31/45] |
Public Opinion |
2/8/1946 |
Watertown |
Aircraft at city airport north of town damaged by wind storm...some blown a half mile form the airport |
Public Opinion |
2/20/1946 |
Watertown |
City announces that it is to take control of the Air Base at midnight on 2/24/46 |
Public Opinion |
2/27/1946 |
Watertown |
City Council met and formally accepted airport transfer. City took lighting previous Saturday. Took over all equipment; although it still belongs to the Army. They expect to take early action on lease with Kampeska Flying Service |
Public Opinion 2/28/46 |
Ralph Frothinger is to return to Watertown [from Air Transport Command] to operate Kampeska Flying Service which was Incorporated in his absence in fall of 1945. He will be owner and operator offering flying school; charter; and shops for service and over |
Public Opinion |
3/2/1946 |
Washington |
CAB examiner recommended: 1) Inland Airlines route #35 be extended permanently from Huron to Minneapolis; subject to provision that no flight originate east of Rapid City. 2) Inland Airlines be temporarily authorized to serve Brookings; Rochester; and Man |
Public Opinion |
Mid-continent is planning to add Huron-Minot and additional stops if allowed to merge with American Airlines [see 9/14/45 & 1/14/46] |
Public Opinion |
3/6/1946 |
Watertown |
Watertown Air Service completed move to airport with 12 planes. Ray Wiles in charge of operations. Ralph Hubbard president and manager |
Public Opinion |
3/12/1946 |
Watertown |
CAA radio operator; Wayland Williams; 28; arrested while on duty for theft of radio equipment from Army Tower. Sheriff was looking for light fixtures reported stolen by CAA officials and found light fixtures; approximately $5;000 worth of radios; and remo |
Public Opinion |
Ralph Lang started as pilot instructor for Kampeska Air Service |
Public Opinion |
3/27/1946 |
Huron |
Huron runway damaged by large aircraft. Airline flights suspended |
Public Opinion |
3/27/1946 |
Yankton |
CAA employee [see 3/12/46] pleaded guilty to theft and placed on 18 months probation |
Public Opinion |
Oct-46 |
Pierre |
Army turned Air Base over to city |
? |
1947 |
Aberdeen |
Bond issue and federal funds used to build new terminal building and additional runways |
Brown County History p402 |
1/1/1948 |
Aberdeen |
CAA resumes taking official weather observations at airport |
NWS Station History |
1948 |
Huron |
Walt Ball is sales manager for Dakota Aviation; the largest Aeronca dealer in United States |
Huron Revisited |
Operators: Dakota Aviation; Inc..; Mid-Continent Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Edward G Youngs; Pres; Walter F Ball Vice-Pres |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Robert C Wilson |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau: Airport office; William H Wells; Meteorologist; City Office in Post Office. Bernard Laskowski; Meteorologist |
City Directory |
CAA Communications Station: Horace O Fath; Chief Aircraft Communicator. Safety Regulation District Office No. 8: J Ralph Horn; Inspector In Charge |
City Directory |
5/12/1948 |
Watertown |
VOR commissioned |
1965 Facility Data Report |
1949 |
Philip |
Amsden Flying Service established. Purchased from MD Hoyt who operated business during the war |
First Half Century p70 & 123 |
6/1/1949 |
Aberdeen |
VOR commissioned [AF printout][date probably inaccurate] |
AF MMS File |
6/1/1949 |
Watertown |
VOR commissioned [AF printout][date WRONG see 5/12/48] |
AF MMS File |
6/1/1949 |
Huron |
VOR commissioned [AF printout][date probably inaccurate] |
AF MMS File |
6/1/1949 |
Philip |
VOR commissioned [AF printout][date probably inaccurate] |
AF MMS File |
6/1/1949 |
Pierre |
VOR commissioned [AF printout][date probably inaccurate] |
AF MMS File |
1950 |
Huron |
Airport: A government recognized and approved airport is located one mile north of the city limits; with 24 hour passenger and refueling service. Huron is located on north-south and east-west air mail routes; with daily air passenger and mail service. The |
City Directory |
Operators: Dakota Aviation; Inc..; Mid-West Airlines; Mid-Continent Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Edward G Youngs; Pres; Walter F Ball Vice-Pres and Sales Manager |
City Directory |
Western Airlines [originally Wyoming Air Lines; then Inland Airlines] and Mid-continent [formerly Hanford Airlines] provide 4 flights a day form Huron to Kansas City; Minneapolis and Denver. Midwest Airlines provides service to Sioux Falls-Sioux City-Omah |
Huron Revisited |
Airport Manager: Robert C Wilson |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau: Airport office; William H Wells; Meteorologist; City Office in Post Office. Bernard Laskowski; Meteorologist |
City Directory |
CAA Communications Station: Horace O Fath; Chief Aircraft Communicator. CAA Maintenance Office: Ray E Bute; Maintenance Technician. CAA Safety Regulation District Office No. 8: John C Smith; Safety Agent In Charge |
City Directory |
Jan-50 |
CAA: Aviation Safety District Office; Interstate Airway Communication Station. Weather Bureau: Airport Office; City Office |
Huron Telephone Book |
7/4/1950 |
Brookings |
New airport build at a total cost of $350;000 was dedicated. Western Airlines began service with fares to: Minneapolis $9.55; Rapid City $21.10; Denver $46.05 |
Brookings County History p116 |
Sep-50 |
Watertown |
Kampeska Flying Service quits operation |
Public Opinion 6/6/79 |
10/5/1950 |
Rapid City |
NWS official weather observations move from old municipal airport to new municipal airport. |
NWS Station History |
12/7/1950 |
Watertown |
Weighing rain gauge installed |
Operation Manual |
6/1/1952 |
Pierre |
FSS moved into new terminal building [date questionable] |
AF MMS File |
Aug-52 |
Watertown |
Mid-continent merged with Braniff |
Public Opinion 6/6/79 |
1952 |
Huron |
Braniff took over Mid-continent's routes and reduced service to Huron |
Huron Revisited |
8/14/1952 |
Watertown |
Federal grant received to build new administration building to replace the building destroyed when Air Base was constructed |
Public Opinion 6/6/79 |
1953 |
Huron |
Operators: Dakota Aviation; Inc.; Aerial Weed Control; Branniff International Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Edward G Youngs; Pres; VV Youngs Sec/Treas; Walter F Ball Vice-Pres and Sales Manager |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Joseph J Wheeler |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau: Airport office; William H Wells; Meteorologist; City Office in Post Office. Bernard Laskowski; Meteorologist |
City Directory |
CAA Communications Station: Horace O Fath; Chief Aircraft Communicator. CAA Maintenance Office: Ray E Bute; Maintenance Technician |
City Directory |
Aug-53 |
Watertown |
New administration building completed |
FAA Drawing 8/20/53 |
Nov-53 |
Watertown |
Braniff began service Omaha-Fargo with stop in Watertown |
Public Opinion 6/6/79 |
Watertown |
CAA wiring completed in new administration building |
FAA Drawing 8/20/53 |
1954 |
Huron |
Ed Youngs sold interest in Dakota Aviation and went into real estate business |
Huron Revisited |
3/31/1954 |
Watertown |
CAA operations relocated to new administration building |
FAA Drawing 3/31/54 |
1955 |
Huron |
Operators: Dakota Aviation; Inc.; Aerial Weed Control; Branniff International Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres; Frank S Root; Vice-Pres; Katheryn J Polad; Sec/Treas |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Joseph J Wheeler |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau: Airport office; William H Wells; Meteorologist; City Office in Post Office. Bernard Laskowski; Meteorologist |
City Directory |
CAA Communications Station: C Homer Jones; Station Chief. CAA Safety Regulation District Office No. 8: Leland G Covert; Supervisor |
City Directory |
Jan-57 |
Huron |
Airport is 400 acres with Weather Bureau; CAA Safety Office; CAA Maintenance Office and CAA Communication Station. There are 3 hard surface runways; 1 is concrete. Each day Braniff has 4 flights and Western has 4 flights. |
Our Town 1957 p23 |
Operators: Dakota Aviation; Inc.; Branniff International Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres; Frank S Root; Vice-Pres; Katheryn J Polad; Sec/Treas |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Jeffry G Molid |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau: Airport office; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist; City Office in Post Office: William Hodge; State Climatologist |
City Directory |
CAA Communications Station: C Homer Jones; Station Chief. CAA Maintenance Office: Karl E Meier; Supervisor |
City Directory |
Mar-57 |
Washington |
[In March 1957]...the CAB handed North Central a fat award: A new route from Grand Forks to Omaha via Fargo; Watertown; Brookings; Sioux Falls; Sioux City and Norfolk. This added 8 cities; 3 new states and 579 miles to the system |
Ceiling Unlimited p126 |
Mar-57 |
Huron |
CAA: Aviation Safety District Office; Interstate Airway Communication Station. Weather Bureau: Airport Office; State Climatologist Office; Federal Building room 209 |
Huron Telephone Book |
4/15/1957 |
Watertown |
F240C wind instruments installed |
Facility Data Report |
6/1/1957 |
Watertown |
North Central Airlines begins service |
1968 Open House Brochure |
1958 |
Huron |
Operators: Dakota Aviation; Inc.; Branniff International Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres; Frank S Root; Vice-Pres; Katheryn J Polad; Sec/Treas |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Jeffry G Molid |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau: Airport office; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist; City Office in Post Office: William Hodge; State Climatologist |
City Directory |
CAA Communications Station: C Homer Jones; Station Chief. CAA Maintenance Office: Karl E Meier; Supervisor |
City Directory |
2/1/1958 |
Pierre |
RCAG Commissioned [printout] [date questionable] |
AF MMS File |
May-58 |
Huron |
CAA: Interstate Airway Communication Station. Weather Bureau: Airport Office; State Climatologist Office; Federal Building room 209 |
Huron Telephone Book |
10/1/1958 |
Dupree |
VOR Commissioned [printout] [date questionable] |
AF MMS File |
12/1/1958 |
Watertown |
TACAN commissioned [printout] [date WRONG ... see 12/10/58] |
AF MMS File |
Watertown |
TACAN commissioned |
1965 Facility Data Report |
1959 |
Huron |
Braniff discontinued service to Huron. North Central and Western flying into Huron. |
Huron Revisited |
6/1/1959 |
Winner |
VOR commissioned [printout] [date questionable] |
AF MMS File |
1960 |
Huron |
Operators: Dakota Aviation; Inc.; North Central Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres; Ralph Cooper; Vice-Pres; Katheryn J Polad; Sec/Treas |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Jeffry G Molid |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Communications Station: C Homer Jones; Station Chief. FAA Maintenance Office: Karl E Meier; Supervisor |
City Directory |
Jun-60 |
Huron |
FAA: Flight Service Station; Airway Technical Field Office No 36. Weather Bureau: Airport Office; State Climatologist Office; Federal Building room 209 |
Huron Telephone Book |
Jun-60 |
Miller |
Yellow Page listing: Miller Aircraft Repair |
Huron Telephone Book |
Jun-60 |
Pierre |
FAA: Interstate Airway Communication Station; Flight Service Station; Airway Technical Field Office No 67 |
Huron Telephone Book |
Yellow Page listing: Ice Flying Service |
Huron Telephone Book |
Jun-60 |
Rapid City |
Yellow Page listing: Weber Aviation |
Huron Telephone Book |
Jun-60 |
Onida |
Yellow Page listing: Onida Flying Service |
Huron Telephone Book |
Watertown |
REIL installed runway 17 |
FAA Drawing 12/19/60 |
Jun-61 |
Huron |
FAA: Flight Service Station; Airway Technical Field Office No 36. Weather Bureau: Airport Office; State Climatologist Office; Federal Building room 209 |
Huron Telephone Book |
6/6/1961 |
Pierre |
Wind instruments and hygrothermometer located in center of field. [Note: This drawing shows the diagonal taxiway as an "old section line road"] |
WBRAO Drawing 6/6/61 |
10/1/1961 |
Dupree |
TACAN commissioned [printout] [date questionable] [Acceptance date 12/4/64] |
AF MMS File |
1962 |
Huron |
Airport: A government recognized and approved airport is located one mile north of the city limits; with 24 hour passenger and refueling service. Huron is located on north-south and east-west routes; with daily air passenger and mail service. The airport |
City Directory |
Operators: Burmood Air Service; Dakota Aviation; Inc.; North Central Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres-mgr; David Nicholson; Treas; Katheryn J Polad; Sec. Burmood Air Service: Charles L Burmood |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Billy D Templeton; Chief. FAA Maintenance Office: Karl E Meier; Chief Executive Office Manager |
City Directory |
6/29/1962 |
Watertown |
Watertown Flying Club has 27 members and 2 aircraft. Club began in 1954. President Jerry Cook; Secretary/Treasurer Dale Dahl [FSS Specialist] |
Public Opinion |
Jul-62 |
Huron |
Yellow Page listing: Burmood Air Service |
Huron Telephone Book |
7/10/1962 |
Watertown |
Louie Potter retirement dinner. Received 30 year pin. 57 attended. Dick Myers acted as master of ceremonies |
Public Opinion |
7/24/1962 |
Watertown |
Roger Pederson is chairman of Chamber of Commerce aviation committee |
Public Opinion |
7/24/1962 |
Brookings |
North Central Airlines to drop Brookings from stops on north-south route. Flights to continue into Watertown |
Public Opinion |
1963 |
Huron |
Operators: Ball Aero; Dakota Aviation; Inc.; North Central Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres-mgr; David Nicholson; Treas; Katheryn J Polad; Sec. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball; Tracy Gitchell |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Billy D Templeton; Chief. FAA Maintenance Office: Karl E Meier; Manager |
City Directory |
3/23/1963 |
Philip |
Philip FSS decommissioned. Pierre FSS to begin using Philip RCO |
Pierre FSS records |
6/7/1963 |
Philip |
Philip SBRAZ decommissioned. BH commissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
7/1/1963 |
Pierre |
Pierre NSME decommissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
7/7/1963 |
Watertown |
Estimated 120 knot winds blew roof off terminal building. Wind instruments and antenna blew down at 110 knots. Ed Bauer on duty. [photo] |
Public Opinion |
7/26/1963 |
Watertown |
OE Markle; of Glasgow; Montana; was enroute from Sleepy Eye; Minnesota to Glasgow when he encountered thunderstorms near Watertown about 7pm. Unsure of his position he called Watertown FSS. Ed Bauer used VOR and landmark orientation to assist aircraft whi |
Public Opinion |
Sep-63 |
Huron |
FAA: Flight Service Station; Airway Technical Field Office No 36. Weather Bureau: Airport Office |
Huron Telephone Book |
1964 |
Huron |
Operators: Ball Aero; Dakota Aviation; Inc.; North Central Airlines; Western Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres-mgr; David Nicholson; Treas; Katheryn J Polad; Sec. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball; Tracy Gitchell |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Winfield Henry; Flight Service Chief |
City Directory |
2/26/1964 |
Pierre |
3023kc receiver decommissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
4/20/1964 |
Winner |
M-BVORTAC decommissioned. M-BVOR commissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
6/28/1964 |
Aberdeen |
FAA discontinued taking official weather observations; duties assumed by NWS |
NWS Station History |
12/4/1964 |
Dupree |
TACAN acceptance inspection |
AF Records |
1965 |
Huron |
Airport: A government recognized and approved airport is located one mile north of the city limits; with 24 hour passenger and refueling service. Huron is located on north-south and east-west routes; with daily air passenger and mail service. The airport |
City Directory |
Operators: Ball Aero; Dakota Aviation; Inc.; North Central Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres-mgr; David Nicholson; Treas; Katheryn J Polad; Sec. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball; Tracy Gitchell |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager |
City Directory |
1/19/1965 |
Watertown |
FBOs at this time were Boyer Brothers and Lowinske Aviation |
1965 Facility Data Record |
6/5/1965 |
Huron |
Western Airlines discontinued service to Huron |
Huron Revisited |
1966 |
Huron |
Airport: A government recognized and approved airport is located one mile north of the city limits; with 24 hour passenger and refueling service. Huron is located on north-south and east-west routes; with daily air passenger and mail service. The airport |
City Directory |
Operators: Ball Aero; Dakota Aviation; Inc.; North Central Airlines. Dakota Aviation: Walter F Ball; Pres-mgr; Katheryn J Polad; Sec. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager |
City Directory |
Mar-66 |
Huron |
Airport is 400 acres with latest FAA Navigational Aid; Maintenance Office and FAA Communication Station. There are 2 runways; 1 concrete; the other blacktop. North Central Airlines had 8 flights each day. |
Our Town 1966 p39 |
4/1/1966 |
Pierre |
TACAN commissioned [date questionable ... see 4/21/66] |
AF MMS File |
4/21/1966 |
Pierre |
TACAN acceptance inspection held |
AF Records |
1967 |
Huron |
VOR was scheduled to be converted to a VORTAC |
Huron: The Market |
Apr-67 |
Watertown |
Work begun to remodel and expand terminal building |
Public Opinion 6/6/79 |
6/1/1967 |
Pierre |
DF commissioned [date questionable] |
AF MMS File |
1968 |
Huron |
Operators: Ball Aero; North Central Airlines. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager |
City Directory |
2/1/1968 |
Watertown |
North Central begins scheduled jet service into Watertown |
1968 Open House Brochure |
2/8/1968 |
Watertown |
Terminal building remodeled and expanded |
FAA Drawing 2/8/68 |
2/25/1968 |
Watertown |
Open house for remodeled and expanded terminal building. There are 7 FSS specialists and 2 technicians at the facility |
1968 Open House Brochure |
1969 |
Huron |
Diamond Aviation began operations in new building [Huron Revisited says: Late 50's] |
Huron Revisited |
Operators: Ball Aero; Diamond Aviation; North Central Airlines. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball; Diamond Aviation: Floyd a Kjerstad; mgr |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager |
City Directory |
5/19/1969 |
Watertown |
Ceiling light modified |
Operation Manual |
1970 |
Watertown |
Lake City Aviation (formerly Hubbard Aviation) discontinued business |
Public Opinion 6/6/79 |
1970 |
Huron |
The Huron Airport handles eight daily flights by North Central Airlines. Direct service is provided to the Twin Cities; Chicago and Sioux Falls. The airport is in the process of expansion to accommodate added flights and larger aircraft. A new control tow |
City Directory |
Walt Ball bought out Diamond Aviation and formed Ball Aero |
Huron Revisited |
Operators: Ball Aero; North Central Airlines. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; William H Wells; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager |
City Directory |
Brookings |
Brookings VOR/RCO commissioned |
Facility Data Report |
1972 |
Watertown |
Alden facsimile installed at FSS |
Facility Data Report |
1972 |
Huron |
Operators: Ball Aero; North Central Airlines. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; Robert E Fennell; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager; FAA Airway Facilities Office: John F Trinko; Unit Chief |
City Directory |
3/10/1972 |
Watertown |
FSS staff is: Chief; 6 specialists; AF unit chief and 1 ET |
FAA Intercom 3/10/72 |
4/12/1972 |
Pierre |
Facsimile installed at FSS [CLIPPING] |
Pierre FSS records |
9/14/1972 |
Denver |
FSS frequencies 122.3 and 122.6 were to be changed to a standard enroute simplex frequency of 122.2. [This letter contains a list of FSS locations and frequencies] [Note: Bismarck must have had an FSS at this time] |
RM Region Letter 7/10/72 |
1972 |
Pierre |
Runway 13-31 improvements accomplished during 1972 at cost of $330;000 |
Pierre FSS records |
1972 |
Huron |
Beadle County paid City of Huron $105;000 toward runway extension in 1972 |
Beadle County Survey |
2/15/1973 |
Pierre |
Airport manger Walter Heubner. Ice Flying Service owned and operated by Cecil Ice provided charter; rental; crop dusting and Piper aircraft sales. Schmit Aviation; Inc.. owned by American Sioux Tribe and operated by Douglas Schmit provides charter and ins |
2/15/73 Airport Traffic Survey |
3/29/1973 |
Watertown |
ILS commissioned |
Facility Data Record |
3/29/1973 |
Pierre |
ILS commissioned [according to Pierre FSS records it cost $57;600] |
8/27/73 Airport Traffic Survey |
4/13/1973 |
Pierre |
Great Falls Service F (interphone) decommissioned |
ILS commissioned |
6/20/1973 |
Pierre |
MALSR commissioned [according to Pierre FSS records it cost $49;400] |
8/27/73 Airport Traffic Survey |
6/22/1973 |
Watertown |
MALSR commissioned |
Facility Data Report |
8/27/1973 |
Pierre |
[Apparently airport was not satisfied with results from 2/15/73 Traffic Survey because it was done during winter and thus during low traffic period] Toby Kirkpatrick now manager of Schmit Aviation; Inc..; no longer approved for VA flight instruction. Taxi |
8/27/73 Airport Traffic Survey |
Pierre |
NDB (347khz) decommissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
Watertown |
VASI installed on runways 12; 30 and 17 |
Facility Data Record |
1973 |
Pierre |
Runway and taxiway lighting and fencing accomplished during 1973 at cost of $103;000 [see 8/27/73] |
Pierre FSS records |
1974 |
Huron |
Operators: Ball Aero; North Central Airlines. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; Robert E Fennell; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager; FAA Airway Facilities Office: John F Trinko; Unit Chief |
City Directory |
4/16/1974 |
Watertown |
REIL 30 installed |
Facility Data Record |
1974 |
Pierre |
Fire station was built for $77;293 and fire trucks purchased for $99;000 during 1974 |
Pierre FSS records |
2/6/1975 |
Pierre |
New facsimile installed |
Pierre FSS records |
6/14/1975 |
Watertown |
Kerr-Magee Saberliner crashed during takeoff runway 17. Ingested sea gulls. [Ken Baenan on duty] |
Public Opinion |
9/26/1975 |
Pierre |
Runway 13-31 and "new connecting taxiways" friction coated and painted |
Pierre FSS records |
Watertown |
Alden 9721C facsimile installed |
Facility Data Record |
Pierre |
First new crash truck put in service |
Pierre FSS records |
Pierre |
VASI for Runways 7; 25 and 13 put in service |
Pierre FSS records |
1976 |
Huron |
The Huron Airport handles three daily flights by North Central Airlines. Direct service is provided to Aberdeen; Chicago and Sioux Falls. The airport has recently been expanded to accommodate added flights and larger aircraft. A new control tower; instrum |
City Directory |
Operators: Ball Aero; North Central Airlines. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
Weather Bureau; Airport; Robert E Fennell; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager; FAA Airway Facilities Office: John F Trinko; Unit Chief |
City Directory |
Pierre |
Engine generator decommissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
1977 |
Huron |
Ball Aero sold to Thorson Aviation |
Huron Revisited |
Operators: Ball Aero; North Central Airlines. Ball Aero: Walter F Ball |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
National Weather Service: Robert E Fennell; Chief Meteorologist |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager; FAA Airway Facilities Office: John F Trinko; Unit Chief |
City Directory |
5/10/1977 |
Watertown |
BUEC installed |
FAA Drawing 5/10/77 |
9/15/1977 |
Pierre |
FSS remodeling project completed at cost of $10;500 |
Pierre FSS records |
Pierre |
REIL 13 commissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
1978 |
Huron |
Operators: Thorson Aviation; North Central Airlines. Thorson Aviation: Steven Thorson |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
National Weather Service: Donald Kluckman; Meteorologist In Charge |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Irwin W Olson; Manager; FAA Airway Facilities Office: Willard Rogge; Unit Chief |
City Directory |
7/24/1978 |
Pierre |
Runway 7-25 closed for resurfacing and construction of diagonal taxiway from point adjacent terminal |
Pierre FSS records |
9/1/1978 |
Watertown |
Wind sensors relocated from roof to enter of field |
Facility Data Record and FAA Drawing 8/31/78 |
11/7/1978 |
Pierre |
Runway 7-25 and taxiway open [see 7/24/78] |
Pierre FSS records |
1979 |
Huron |
Operators: Thorson Aviation; North Central Airlines. Thorson Aviation: Steven Thorson |
City Directory |
Airport Manager: Don Friese |
City Directory |
National Weather Service: Donald Kluckman; Meteorologist In Charge |
City Directory |
FAA Flight Service Station: Clair E Wilson; Manager; FAA Airway Facilities Office: Willard Rogge; Unit Chief |
City Directory |
1/18/1979 |
Pierre |
Multichannel recorder installed |
Pierre FSS records |
5/24/1979 |
Watertown |
REIL 12 installed |
Facility Data Record |
7/17/1979 |
Minneapolis |
North Central merged with Southern Airlines and changed name to Republic Airlines |
Daily Plainsman 6/15/80 |
6/12/1980 |
Pierre |
ILS DME commissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
7/8/1980 |
Watertown |
Remote Reading Hygrothermometer installed |
AF Warranty Records |
8/1/1980 |
Pierre |
ILS DME commissioned [printout] [date questionable] |
AF MMS File |
Pierre |
Inflight console project completed [may have been when they replaced big windows] |
Pierre FSS records |
1981 |
Huron |
Republic Airlines discontinued service to Huron. At the end Republic had only 2 daily flights to Sioux Falls. They were replaced briefly by Northern Airlines; which went broke; then Mesaba began service |
Huron Revisited |
1982 |
Huron |
Thorson Aviation sold to Dan Parrish and name changed to Huron Aviation |
Huron Revisited |
Gene Dargatz purchased Hebron Air Service |
Huron Revisited |
7/5/1983 |
Pierre |
General Aviation ramp work started ($800;000 project) |
Pierre FSS records |
Pierre |
Airport terminal modernization competed. New windows in FSS |
Pierre FSS records |
Jun-84 |
Watertown |
leased Service A equipment installed |
FAA messages |
7/26/1984 |
Watertown |
Second generation VORTAC commissioned |
8/9/1984 |
Watertown |
Service A converted to Leased Service A Equipment |
Letter |
8/30/1984 |
Dupree |
Second generation VORTAC commissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
9/15/1984 |
Rapid City |
Second generation VORTAC commissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
10/4/1984 |
Winner |
Second generation VOR commissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
Pierre |
Last Western Airlines flight in/out of Pierre after 45 years of service |
Pierre FSS records |
11/4/1984 |
Rapid City |
VOR voice remoted to PIR |
Pierre FSS records |
8/12/1985 |
Philip |
Second generation VORTAC commissioned |
Pierre FSS records |
Watertown |
Republic Airlines discontinued service and replaced by Republic Express |
Public Opinion |
1986 |
Huron |
Jim Martini; Jon Gilchrist and Gene Dargatz purchase Huron Aviation and form AeroWorld |
Huron Revisited |
Mar-86 |
Watertown |
Service B converted to Leased Service A & B (LABS) equipment |
message |
10/1/1986 |
Watertown |
Mesaba Airlines began service; replacing Republic Express following the merger of Republic Airlines and Northwest Airlines. After merger Northwest "assigned" the Dakotas to Mesaba and Michigan to Republic Express |
personal knowledge |
Sep-87 |
Huron |
Huron AFSS commissioned |
personal knowledge |
1/7/1988 |
Watertown |
Article on weather observations. Jim Anez in photo reading thermometers |
Public Opinion |
May-88 |
Brookings |
Huron AFSS assumed monitor of Brookings VOR and RCO |
personal knowledge |
May-88 |
Huron |
Huron AFSS assumed tie-in responsibility for all airports along highway 14. Formerly Watertown FSS tie-in airports |
personal knowledge |
Jul-88 |
Watertown |
Princeton AFSS assumed control of Madison; Minnesota RCO |
personal knowledge |
Huron |
Huron AFSS assumed monitoring responsibility and voice capabilities for Pierre; Rapid City; Wine; Dupree and Philip VOR/VORTACs. Frequency 122.1 decommissioned at Pierre |
Pierre FSS records |
1/3/1989 |
Watertown |
Article on weather. Tim Baker in photo looking at weather maps |
Public Opinion |
4/1/1989 |
Huron |
Huron AFSS assumed tie-in responsibility for all airports belonging to Pierre FSS |
Pierre FSS Records |
1/31/1991 |
Huron |
Mesaba discontinued service to Mitchell; Brookings and Huron. Replaced tie GP Express with flights Mitchell-Huron-Brookings-Minneapolis in Beech 1900 |
personal knowledge |
2/22/1991 |
Pierre |
Intra-state airline discontinued service due to lack of use |
personal knowledge |
Oct-91 |
Pierre |
State subsidized intra-state airline began operation. Service provided by GP Express. Flights with Beech 99 Spearfish-Pierre-Sioux Falls and return twice a day. Cessna 402 flew Yankton-Mitchell-Huron-Pierre-Aberdeen-Brooking-Sioux Falls and reverse twice |
personal knowledge |
9/22/1993 |
Rapid City |
Rapid City FSS decommissioned at 12:01am |
personal knowledge |
9/29/1993 |
Aberdeen |
Aberdeen FSS decommissioned at 10pm |
personal knowledge |
1994 |
Watertown |
Watertown FSS decommissioned at 10pm [not the exact date] |
Above article compiled by Jim Anez. Can you help? Forward your photos by one of the byfollowing methods:
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