Omaha FSS Photos, 1950’s

Submitted by Roger C. Bodtke

Omaha FSS (OMA), Nebraska, late 1950’s

Service “A” and Service “B” Switching Units. All information came through this equipment via one circuit per teletype printer or transmit/receive unit.  Service “A” circuits carried all weather to be printed and the Service “B” circuits carried all aircraft movement messages.  The Nebraska Department of Aeronautics had a circuit for 15 weather reporting stations.  Offutt Air Force Base had a dedicated circuit to OMA FSS.  These units were usually located in the same room as the teletypes.

The pilot weather briefing counter where all airline pilots that arrived and departed Omaha were briefed on the weather

The updated telephone weather briefing counter

The pilot weather briefing position using teletype paper and the first faxed weather charts

The flight Data and teletype positions with a DC-6 aircraft parked outside the window