Lewistown FSS, Montana, 2018

The following photos and comments were taken and submitted by Jim Anez.

Lewistown FSS, Montana, July 18, 2018

This old FSS building is being used as an airport pilot lounge and is in remarkably good shape. Externally it looks pretty much like it did 30 years ago when it was in operation… the only thing missing is the Flight Service Station sign!

The metal bases for the instrument shelter and rain gauge frame are still in place.  The wooden top portion of the instrument shelter was pretty well rotted but was located in the Airway Facility space (which is now a bunk room) and still contained all four of the old mercury thermometers.

The old radio console is gutted but still in the operations area.  I think it’s still in the same location as it was, but I was only in the facility once back in 1976 or ’77.

The briefing counter, wxobs area, drinking fountain and wall planning chart are just where they were the day the place closed.