Lancaster FSS Building Photos

Submitted by Claude Genest

Lancaster FSS (WJF), California, 2011
The original FSS building, as of 2011, that used to house the FSS operations.  FAA Tech Operations moved from this building into the base of the air traffic control tower about 2008. This building was leased to the FAA for many years.

Submitted by Claude Genest

Lancaster FSS (WJF), California, 2011
Another perspective showing the FSS building and airport ramp area. Lancaster FSS was a Level II facility and employed by GS-10 grade employees. In its day, it was one of the most sought after facilities to be assigned in the Western Region because of it’s modern unique design.

Submitted by Claude Genest
Lancaster FSS (WJF), California 2011

Submitted by Claude Genest
Lancaster FSS (WJF), California, 2011

Submitted by Claude Genest
Lancaster FSS (WJF), California 2011
The red sign in front of the building is a For Lease sign.

Submitted by Claude Genest

Lancaster FSS (WJF), California, 2011
Looking into the operations area from the ramp side of the building.