Grants Radio Station Restoration

Grants Radio Station, New Mexico
Photos submitted by Steve Owen

This was your typical early 1950’s Flight Services Station.  Grants FSS was operational from 1953 to 1973 and it replaced the Civil Aeronautics Authority’s (CAA) Acomita FSS airfield site, which was active from 1931 to 1953, due to its remote location, far from pavement.  A generation later, both Zuni and Grants sites were shut down and consolidated by the FAA at Gallup airport in 1973.



The above 2012 photos show what the above site looked like after refurbishing of the LA-A site 62 generator shack and tower, courtesy of the wonderful volunteers of “Cibola County Historical Society.”  This organization plans to convert this old Flight Service building into a museum in the 2013-2014 time period.

Wings Across America website

Cibola County Historical Society, Airway Museum (above)

Above photo shows the refurbishing of the Grants, NM Fight Service Station building.