Class 78xxx

Submitted by Elliott V. Norat Jr
Class 78-09?
Course 50202
12/19/1977 – 3/1/1978
Class Names (left to right)
Front row: Unknown, Robert Reeder (Lead Instructor), Unknown, Unknown, Nancy Murdock (Instructor).
Second row: Victor Beaty, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown.
Third row: Bob Greiner (Instructor), Unknown (Instructor), Unknown, Unknown, Hazen K. Doubleday.
Fourth row: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Warren Williamson (Instructor), Elliott V. Norat Jr., Unknown, Unknown.
T-shirt Note: Elliott Norat, fourth row, provided this note:
Back then the FSS classes were 10 weeks long, started and ended on a Wednesday, 2 weeks apart, no classes were ever known to be started between Xmas and New Years, since everyone is outta there.  Even I took annual leave. Those T-Shirts that were worn by all in the class picture were the biggest rage then, everybody wanted one at the Academy.  It was my invention, after seeing the rather boring and stuffy class photos that were hung on the hallway at the Academy, I wanted to see something that was to be remember and talked about for years to come and put a smile on your face….. GET YOUR WOXOF WITH FSS. I bought the silkscreen materials in Oklahoma City, made the silkscreen and later a bunch of the class members got together on a Saturday to do a “production line” to make them.  On class photo day, I brought them in and everyone jumped on them.  The photo was snapped and history was made.  Even years later, I still hear about the photo.