Class Names (left to right)
See additional class photos below
Rich Hall (JBR), George Johnson (Instructor), Doug Rutledge (DRI), Doug Streu (NWS), Esther Lloyd (Supervisor).
Donna Halbakken (Instructor), Pat Agan (SJT), Rene Rausch (IKK), Brian Moore (BNA), Bill Norman (STL), Randy Reddin (JBR), Danny Ocana (OLU), Walt Grant (MIV), Rhonda Young (DRI), Rick Akers (Instructor), Jeana Bunn (LAN), Bill Hodges (ISP), Cindy Work (Instructor), Skip Ludwig (Instructor), Ed Holman (PRC), Phil Young (SIT), John Moore (Instructor), Clifford Shelder (Instructor), Ron Mickalson (Instructor), Jack Lowe (Instructor).
Additional photos (click to enlarge)
Left to right: In the classroom, Bill Norman, Walt Grant, Rich Hall, Phil Young, and Doug Rutledge.Instructor, John Schamel, monitoring students, Rhonda Young and Doug Rutledge in the lab.From back to front: Pat Agan receiving data for a briefing, Jack Lowe (instructor), Walt Grant talking through a scenario with Sandra Edwards (instructor).Rich Hall, learning techniques from Charles Hardrick (instructor).Brian Moore taking a stress break from class.Danny Ocana and Pat Agan in the hallway after a block test. Rene Rausch, hoping for a passing score.Danny Ocana and Pat Agan in the hallway after a block test. Rene Rausch, hoping for a passing score.In the Lab, Jeana Bunn and Phil Young are monitored by instructors Ron Mickalson and Vern Gulbransen.Instructor, Rick Akers, monitoring student, Rene Rausch in the lab.