Chadron FSS Photos, 1984

Chadron FSS (CDR), Nebraska, 1984
Photos submitted by Roger C. Bodtke

Dick Roberts, sending up a balloon to measure ceiling height over the airport.  A stop watch, probably in his left hand, is used to time the ascent of the balloon from the surface until it enters the clouds to determine the cloud height above the airport. The small white structure is where other atmospheric measurements are taken as part of a weather observers duties. The data is then recorded on a National Weather Service form and the weather observation is transmitted.

The FSS facility was located on the North side of the WW II hanger. Dick Roberts can be seen taking a weather observation.

The Chadron FSS manager’s office

Dick Roberts, the last CDR journeyman to be employed prior to CDR closing.

Dick Roberts, pointing to the old “CAA Chadron Radio” sign on the north wall of the WW II hanger, west of the south door to the FSS.