Cape Yakataga FSS (CYT), Alaska (date unknown)
This photo shows Roy Hoyt, Jr. on the Inflight radio while adjusting the directional finder, and Bill Williams (standing), shortly after the facility opened
Yakataga FSS (CYT), Alaska, 1956
Yakataga FSS and FAA employee housing in the background
Tanana FSS (TAL), Alaska, December 1976
Operations area.
Tanana FSS (TAL), Alaska. December 1976
Operations area containing several teletype machines.
Tanana FSS (TAL), Alaska, December 1976
Tanana FSS Inflight position.
Tanana FSS (TAL), Alaska, December 1976
Tanana FSS building.
Tanana FSS (TAL), Alaska, July 1995
The blue and silver Cessna 180 belongs to FSS Specialist, Davey Williams
Tanana FSS (TAL), Alaska, March 1995
Tanana FSS (TAL), Alaska, July 1995
Looking Eastward.
Tanana FSS, Alaska, July 1962