Daggett FSS (DAG), California, 1984
Daggett FSS teletype equipment inside the operations room. Facility was closed in 1987
Daggett FSS (DAG), California 1985
Facility was closed in 1987
Hawthorne AFSS (HHR), California, 1992
20th year anniversary commemoration of Flight Watch (EFAS)
Dick Lien, Western Pacific Region (AWP) Air Traffic Division Manager and Fred Kelly, HHR ATM (in the conference room).
Paul Thomas, ATCS at the Preflight Position
Rose Marino, Area Supervisor and Ken Price, Senior Flight Watch Specialist
Dick Lien and Fanny Rivera (conference room)
Left to right, Tom Moody, unknown, Jimmy Harrelson, Riverside AFSS Manager, LaJeunne Coffman, HHR AFSS Secretary, in the Administrative reception area.
Steve Rietz, Quality Assurance Specialist in the QA Office.
ATCS, Jessica Shapiro, at Flight Watch 1 position (the old dial-up radar is visible next to the position).
Fred Kelly explains the Flight Watch console to Dick Lien and Fanny Rivera.
Mike Lammes, HHR AFSS Operations Manager, and Fanny Rivera.
Gathering in the break room, left to right: Rosa Smith, Donna Ollison, Steve Harper (deceased), Francie Hope, Hap Lovejoy, Paul Thomas, Bobbi Scoville, Scott Morrissy and Gary Bilonta.
Guests being addressed by Fred Kelly in the conference room.
Guests being addressed by Fred Kelly in the conference room.
Guests being addressed by Fred Kelly in the conference room.
Tyrone Naramore, Training Specialist.
Crissy Field FSS, San Francisco, California (Crissy Field)
Daggett FSS (DAG), California 1984
Facility was closed in 1987
Daggett FSS (DAG), California 1984
Inflight and Pilot Weather Briefing position. Supervisor Chuck Stewart is seated at the console; Specialist Gwen LeBrun (in background) with two walk-in pilots. Facility was closed in 1987
Daggett FSS (DAG), California 1984
Supervisor, Chuck Stewart at the Inflight position, with teletype equipment and “LABS” computer in the background. Specialist, Gwen LeBrun is at far left. Facility was closed in 1987
Daggett FSS (DAG), California 1984
Main entryway to Daggett FSS. Facility was closed in 1987
Daggett FSS (DAG), California 1984
Inside the operations room of Daggett FSS. Supervisor Chuck Stewart at the Inflight position; Supervisor Chuck Burge (background) at the walk-in pilot weather briefing counter. Facility was closed in 1987.
Arcata FSS (ACV), California, 1987
Operations area