Oakland AIFSS Building, 2000

Oakland AIFSS (OAK), California, 2000
Oakland FSS/AFSS/AIFSS has been housed in five different buildings. The first FSS was located out on the tidal flats and had to be accessed by rowboat. That building was relocated, at least in part, to an area of Bay Farm Island where it was above the tide line.

When Oakland developed their original airport, the FSS was again moved, this time into the airport terminal building where the FAA also located the original Oakland ARTCC and San Francisco Approach Control. Sometime in the late 50’s or early 70’s the FSS was moved again to a new building about 1/4 mile north of the old terminal building. In 1992 a new facility (shown above) was constructed on the airport to house the current AIFSS.

Oakland AIFSS Flight Watch, 2000

Submitted by Terry Lankford

Oakland AIFSS (OAK), California, 2000
Oakland Automated International Flight Service, Flight Watch position

LA-SF #32 Airway Beacon Remains, 1986

Airway Beacon LA-SF #32, Los Banos, California, June 1986
The winter of 1985-86 was harsh and windy, toppling the building walls. The roof was blown across Arburua Road into a field.  The generator building still bears the characteristic white and red horizontal band on the walls.  Since this photo was taken, all the walls and roof material were removed from the site.

Site LA-SF #32 is located on Arburua Road, 7.5 miles south of Los Banos, California.

Airway Beacon LA-SF #32, Los Banos, California, April 2005
All that remains of LA-SF #32 airway beacon located on Arburua Road, 7.5 miles south of Los Banos, California.

Merced Temporary FSS

Merced Temporary FSS (MCE), California
Specialist manning a temporary FSS at the annual Merced, California antique fly-in

Montague FSS Building, 2012

Submitted by Claude Genest

Montague FSS (SIY), California, 2012
Located at Siskiyou County Airport, this Flight Service facility opened April, 15 1948, and according to a local pilot, closed sometime after the air traffic controller strike in 1981. Its currently used by the National Forestry Division on a as-needed basis.

Submitted by Claude Genest

Submitted by Claude Genest

Submitted by Claude Genest

Los Angeles Inflight and Preflight, 1969

Los Angeles FSS (LAX), California, 1969
Interior of Los Angeles Flight Service Station. The. equipment is a low-profile, semi circular console with identical air/ground communication positions at the left and right and a monitoring position in the center.


Los Angeles FSS (LAX), California, 1969
Preflight briefing positions with overhead projection screens depicting weather and NOTAM data (upper center).