Thermal FSS

Thermal FSS (TRM), California, date unknown

Thermal FSS (TRM), Palm Springs, California 1985

San Diego AFSS, California History Log

Submitted by Claude Genest

July 1987
San Diego Automated Flight Service Station commissioned on July 5, 1987
The following personnel were assigned:

Erwin “Stan” Stanicek, ATM
Robert Kingery, AATM
Robert Reeder, AS
Rich Leary, AS
George Geringer, AS
Gary Prock, TS
Reese Cameron, QATS
Norine Kusumoto, PPS
Barbara McKinnon/Smith, Secretary

Barry Berkeley
Mert Boutwel
Ronald Calahate
John Carroll
L Faye Christianson
Claude Cole
Joseph Coords
Hank Durham
Richard Edmonds
Carmen Ember Dennis
Floyd Claude Genest
Gary Gentry
Johnny Grayson
Joel Gregg
Earl Jenson
Jim Lamb
Ronald Kesock
Armando “Marty” Martinet
Jim Mendenhall
John Moscoup
Charles Shoaf
Russell Valentine
Thomas Wittman

January 1988
Orrin Kelso, FPL, joins from Montgomery ATCT
Elizabeth Turner, SATCS, transfers to San Diego TRACON

March 1988
Dianne Kurtock, FPL, joins from Santa Barbara FSS.

June 1988
Denise Johnson, FPL, joins from Red Bluff FSS

July 1988
Howard Irwin, from Riverside AFSS
Larry Tonish, from Hawthorne AFSS, joins as Area Supervisor

September 1988
Patricia Fusco, FPL, joins as a new hire

October 1988
Ed McDonald, FPL from Imperial FSS
Ron Summers, AS, from Imperial FSS

December 1988
Robert Thompson, from Fresno FSS, joins as Area Supervisor

January 1989
Erwin “Stan” Stanicek, ATM, retires
Pete Tellez, from Shreveport FSS, assigned as ATM

July 1989
Krista Taylor, FPL, joins from Red Bluff FSS
Richard Savage, FPL, joins from SNS FSS

August 1989
Donald Ashley, FPL, joins from Lindbergh ATCT
Rita Avanzino-Luce joins from ??

November 1989
Kenneth Archibald, FPL, joins from Santa Barbara FSS

Richard Savage, promoted to PPS
Robert Kingery, AATM, retires
Roger Davis, from HQ, assigned as AATM

July 1991
Laura Benford, OAS, joins from Mike Monroney Center

July 1992
Paul is born to Claude and Emily Genest

April 1993
Robert Reeder, AS, retires with 37 years of service.

May 1993
Tess Valdiconza, FPL, joins from Brown ATCT

January 1994

January 1995
Eric Wilkins, FPL, joins from Riverside AFSS

March 1995
Gary Bowman, FPL, joins from Walla Walla FSS

May 1995
Robert Thompson, AS, detailed as AATM

September 1995
Robert Thompson, AS, selected as AATM
Elizabeth Turner, FPL, joins from San Diego TRACON

Larry Tonish, AS, reassigned to WP Regional Office AWP-530
Gene Barnett, from AWP-505, assigned as ATM

February 1996
Sharon Perry, FPL, joins from Hawthorne AFSS
Robert Perry, FPL, joins from Los Angeles TRACON

July 1996
Ned Chesley, FPL, joins from Prescott AFSS

October 1996
Howard Irwin, AS, reassigned to WP Regional Office AWP-5d5

December 1996
Barbara Bradshaw, FPL, joins from Bakersfield FSS

January 1997
Regina Mancilla joins as Administrative Officer from St. Louis SMO
Reese Cameron, AMT, retires with 37 years of service
John Carroll, AS, retires with 36 years of service

March 1997
Robert Thompson, OS, detailed to AWP-505

July 1997
Robert Thompson reassigned as ATM at Hawthorne AFSS

January 1998
Sharon Faina and Michael Stafford, join as FPL’s from Buffalo AFSS

February 1998
Richard Savage, PPS, promoted to OS
Reuven Silberman, FPL, joins from SAN ATCT

August 1998
Joel Gregg, ATCS, retires with 21 years of service

January 1999
Gene Barnett assigned as acting ATM at Lindburgh ATCT
Robert Thompson assigned as acting ATM from Hawthorne AFSS

March 1999
Krista Taylor assigned as acting Operations Manager
Laura Benford, QAS, retires
Tess Zwicky, FPL, reassigned to Cedar City AFSS

June 1999
Gene Barnett returns as ATM
Robert Thompson permanently assigned as Operations Manager

August 1999
Sheryl Klearman, FPL, joins from McMinnville AFSS

September 1999
Benito Martinez, FPL, joins from Montgomery ATCT
Leslie Moritz, FPL, joins from Cleveland AFSS

January 2000
Gene Barnett, ATM, retires
Robert Thompson selected as ATM

April 2000
Howard Irwin, from AWP-505, is assigned as Operations Manager

May 2000
Michael Puffer joins as a new hire

June 2000
William Weston, FPL, retires

July 2000
Meleade Wasson joins as a new hire
Barry Berkeley, FPL, retires

August 2000
Alex Cisneros joins as a new hire

September 2000
Suzie Treas, SIS leaves to go to nursing school
Bobbie Senk is hired as our stay-in-schooler
Bryce Nicol joins as a new hire

January 2001
Norman Baldwin, FPL, retires
Joseph Lang, FPL, joins from Montgomery ATCT

February 2001
Rick Savage, OS, leaves to become the Operations Manager at Boise AFSS

March 2001
WSI weather graphic system installed and commissioned.
Kavouras system removed.

April 2001
Joe Coords receives employee of the quarter award
Reuven Silberman, FPL, retires

June 2001
Tess Zwicky, FPL, reassigned from Cedar City AFSS
Brice Nicol, FPL, reassigned to Cedar City AFSS

July 2001
Sheryl Klearman receives employee of the quarter award

August 2001
Tania Caillouet, from Hawthorne AFSS, joins as Operations Supervisor
Ron Balfour is reassigned from Rancho Murietta AFSS
New administrative phone system is installed.
Operations personnel receive eight-hour time off award for previous year.

September 2001
That terrible day of September 11th occurs
Facility evacuated and contingency plan activated due to battery failure in computer room.

October 2001
Mike Stafford becomes Regional Director of NAATS
Mike Puffer is elected FACREP
Regina Mancilla receives upgrade for AO position
Kenneth Archibald receives employee of the quarter award

November 2001
John Savala joins as a new hire
CRU-X is installed on LAN computers

December 2001
Howard Irwin, assigned as Acting Manager

January 2002
Robert Thompson retires with 44 years of federal service
Robert Thompson receives employee of the quarter award
John Savala reassigned to HHR AFSS while at the Academy

February 2002

April 2002
Norine Neal selected as OS
Positive Access Control Phase 1 is installed
Construction begins on the new UPS system
April 19th, the new building containing the new Engine/Generator is delivered
April 25th, installation of the new GPS time clocks at each position is completed
April 29th, construction on the new UPS is complete

June 2002
Howard Irwin, acting ATM, retires
Krista Taylor, OS, assigned acting ATM

July 2002
Bernie Hoffmann assigned 120-day detail as ATM
Milagre Paulo joins SAN AFSS
Positive Access Control Phase 2 installed

August 2002
Krista Taylor assigned 120-day detail as OM

September 2002
Kevin Scott Power joins SAN AFSS
Patty Kast receives employee of the quarter award

October 2002
Leslie Moritz becomes facility support specialist on one-year detail
Gary Bowman receives employee of the quarter award

November 2002
Carolyn Stokely joins SAN AFSS
Dennis Floyd retires
Alex Cisneros receives employee of the quarter award

December 2002
Elizabeth Valleriani joins SAN AFSS
R. Eric Wilkins resigns
Tania Caillouet, OS, leaves to become Operations Supervisor at Reno AFSS

January 2003
Tim Godat joins SAN AFSS
Sharon Perry receives employee of the quarter award
Site Survey for OASIS Console Installation

February 2003
Carpet installed in Administrative area

March 2003
Rose Sardisco selected as ATM
Carpet installed in operations area

April 2003
Leslie Moritz selected employee of the quarter

June 2003
TODS Computers installed
ACD System software upgrade
Sharon Faina disability retirement approved
Richard Edmonds retires

July 2003
K Scott Power leaves to become controller at Chicago ARTCC
Ben Martinez retires

September 2003
Norine Neal retires

October 2003
SAN AFSS evacuated due to firestorm- facility closed Sunday 10/26 and reopened Tue 10/28

November 2003
Cynthia Hatten joins SAN AFSS as transfer from ONT ATCT

December 2003
Carolyn Stokely retires
Robert Thompson dies, funeral held in January 2004 at Rosecrans, Howard Irwin delivers eulogy

February 2004
Michael Stafford retires

April 2004
Thomas Wittman retires
SUA/ISA equipment installed

June 2004
Carmen Ember retires

January 2005
Alex Cisneros transfers to BFL ATCT

February 2005
Milage Paulo transfers to OAK ATCT

March 2005
Linda Rogers transfers from OAK

May 2005
Ronald Colema transfers from HHR

June 2005
Randy Brubaker & Tom Bramwell transfers from RAL

July 2005
Elizabeth Brown transfers from JBR

September 2005
Don Ashley retires
Gary Moyer transfers to CPR ATCT

October 2005
Jess Gomez, Frank Cortes transfer from RAL, Frank Hotlman from HHR

October 4th, 2005
Lockheed Martin (renamed Leidos) takes over all 58 AFSS
Krista Taylor transfers to PSP ATCT

Barbara Bradshaw, Gary Bowman, Joe Coords, Claude Genest, Cynthia Hatten, Diane Kurtock, Chuck Shoaf, Patrick Kerber, Tom Bramwell, Elizabeth Brown, Ron Coleman, Randy Brubaker, Jess Gomez, Frank Hollman, Orrin Kelso

Lockheed Martin (renamed Leidos) personnel
OM Bob Dean, OS Orrin Kelso, AO Regina Mancilla. Specialist; Ken Archibald, Tom Bramwell, Ron Balfour, Brown, Randy Brubaker, Ron Coleman, Frank Cortes, Claude Genest, Jess Gomez, Cynthia Hatten, Frank Hollman, Patricia Kast, Patrick Kerber, Linda Rogers, Chuck Shoaf

October 4, 2005
Lockheed Martin (renamed Leidos) becomes the contractor for Federal Aviation Administration’s Flight Service option. Personnel on board; OM Bob Dean, OS Orrin Kelso, AO Regina Mancilla.

Ken Archibald, Tom Bramwell, Ron Balfour, Elizabeth Brown, Randy Brubaker, Ron Coleman, Frank Cortes, Claude Genest, Jess Gomez, Cynthia Hatten, Frank Hollman, Patricia Kast, Patrick Kerber, Linda Rogers, Chuck Shoaf

Frank Cortes leaves LM to become FAA AF tech
Ron Balfour leaves
Frank Hollman transfers to HHR AFSS
Patricia Kast is selected as QAS
Patrick Kerber transfers to SEA AFSS
David L Chaussee transfers from HHR AFSS
Phyllis M. Bremer is hired as a casual employee. Last station DEN AFSS
Ronald Coleman selected as AS
David Graham transfers from HHR AFSS
Lawrence D. Idema is hired as a casual employee. Last station RAL AFSS
Gary Bowam is hired as a casual employee. Last station SAN AFSS

March 13, 2006
Howard Irwin, WCG employee, joins as TS

October 31, 2006
Bob Dean retires from LM

Johnny Grayson
Barry Berkeley
Earl Jenson
Ronald Summers Armando
“Marty” Martinez
Claude Cole
Ron Calahate
Ron Kessock
Jim Lamb
Ben Latorre
Gary Gentry
Ed McDonald
Mert Boutwell
Russell Valentine
John Moskof
Jim Mendenhall
Rita Avanzino-Luce
Richard Edmonds
Ben McDonald
Sharon Faina
Carolyn Stokely
Thomas Wittman
Carmen Ember

Transfer out
Faye Christianson goes to HQ
Gary Prock goes to PRC
Bob Perry goes to SCT
Liz Turner goes to Alaska
Rich Leary goes to RO
Rita Avanzino-Luce goes to HNL
Rita Avanzino-Luce goes to SEE
Name deleted goes to SAN ATCT
Robert Melvin goes to Miami AFSS
Hank Durham
Brenda Dickenson
Scott Power goes to ZAU ARTCC
Tania Caillouet goes to RNO AFSS

Transfer in
Name deleted, new hire as secretary
Erica Hoover SIS
Jennifer Harwood SIS
Bobby Senk SIS

San Diego AFSS Aerial View, 2011

Submitted by Claude Genest

San Diego AFSS (SAN), California, 2011
Aerial view of San Diego AFSS, located just left of the air traffic control tower

San Diego AFSS Operations, 2007

Submitted by Claude Genest

San Diego AFSS (SAN), California, July 2007
Operations area.  The FS-21 computer system can be seen on the