Eagle FSS Inflight, 1992

Eagle FSS (EGE), Colorado, September 1992
Inflight position

Operations area and pilot weather briefing counter

“Piggy”, the cat. He was the facility mouser and did a great job. When he died in 1993, the facility was overrun with mice and soon had to close due to health considerations. Piggy kept the station free of mice for quite a few years and many pilots will remember him.

Eagle FSS and Airport, 1992

Eagle FSS (EGE), Colorado. October, 1992
Eagle FSS and airport photo taken from Red Hill.  The town of Eagle can be seen in the background.

Denver AFSS Blizzard, 1997

Denver AFSS (DEN), Colorado, October 25, 1997
Front entrance to Denver AFSS blocked by a 15 foot snow drift during a blizzard.


Specialists Walt Hazard and Jeff Green reading brochures on Hawaii after the major blizzard.

Eagle FSS and Airport View, 1983

Eagle FSS (EGE), Colorado. October, 1983
Eagle FSS, center all-white building. Staff at this time:
Employees at the time: Facility Manger, John Coffey, Specialists, Ron Mickalson, Carol Dayton, Cheryl Krieger Knapp, Jim Driver, and Carolyn Southwell.

Eagle FSS 1992

Eagle FSS (EGE), Colorado. October 1992
Eagle FSS, all white building.  Closed in 1994

Tracy OFACS Building 2002

Tracy OFACS, California, June 24, 2002
This OFACS (Overseas Foreign Aeronautical Communications Station) site was believed to be built in 1959 and was an experimental CAA design to survive a nuclear strike.  It’s believed that this site was last used by the FAA as a VOLMET (Routine Broadcast of Meteorological Information For Aircraft In Flight) transmitter in the 1980’s.

Santa Barbara Equipment Room, 1964

Submitted by Alan Chew

Santa Barbara FSS (SBA), California, 1964
One of the equipment racks located in the equipment room of the FSS building. The electronic equipment room consisted of NAVAID monitoring and air-ground radio communications systems, composing of transmitter and receiver selector relay panels, regulated output amplifiers, dual channel audio amplifiers, power supplies, VHF and UHF transmitters and receivers, and voice frequency signaling equipment.  Most, if not all, of the equipment were a carry over from CAA days and were still in service well into the 1970’s and even 1980’s.