Radio Beacon, Section 33, Wyoming, 2004

Historical summary and photo submitted by Mel Duncan of Wyoming

A concrete arrow is all that remains of the old Section 33 beacon site.  This site is located about 3/4 mile north of McIntyre’s, WY.  Elevation 7,528 feet, coordinates 41° 13″ 34″ N, 105° 14′ 36″ W.

Submitted by Mel Duncan of Wyoming


Submitted by Mel Duncan of Wyoming

Some old parts found at the site


Submitted by Mel Duncan of Wyoming


Submitted by Mel Duncan of Wyoming


Submitted by Mel Duncan of Wyoming

Green Bay AFSS, Wisconsin

Green Bay AFSS Building, Wisconsin (date unknown)
Photo taken during the employees spring facility reunion

Tucson FSS Facility of the Year, 1972/73

Submitted by Jimmie Haralson

Tucson FSS (TUS), Arizona 1972
Receiving the National Facility of the Year (Flight Service Station) for 1972
L – R: Ray Belanger ATS-1, Jimmie Haralson SATCS, Hedeo Taniguchi ATCS, Fred Kelly SATCS, Lynn Hink AWE-500, Ken Secrist Chief, Rita Bradshaw Secretary, Luis Palacio ATCS, Tom Ratcliffe ATCS, Eugene Murray ATCS.

Other FSS personnel not in the picture include Wes Owens SATCS, Dean DeYoung ATCS, James Gould ATCS, John Hays ATCS, William Pitzer ATCS, Jesse Shern Jr ATCS, Carmen Simbari ATCS, Arthur West ATCS, Warren Wirges ATCS.


Submitted by Jimmie Haralson

Los Angeles, California 1973
Jimmie Haralson, Tucson FSS SATCS, (right), receiving the 1972 Western Region Flight Service Station Facility of the Year award from Arvin O. Basnight, Western Region FAA Administrator, AWE-1. The presentation was made onboard a US Coast Guard cutter in Los Angeles harbor.

Deadhorse FSS

Deadhorse (SCC) FSS, Alaska

Deadhorse, Alaska is located well above the arctic circle where the north slope of Alaska meets the Arctic Ocean.

Pre- 2000 Facility photos

Original Deadhorse FSS facility. Year unknown
Original Deadhorse FSS Inflight position.  Year unknown
Original Deadhorse FSS equipment room.  Year unknown
Deadhorse FSS new radar construction in 1986.  Old radar in background
Deadhorse FSS in the winter during construction of the new radar dome in July 1977
Deadhorse FSS is located in the top floor of this four story tower.  The tower was originally built as a temporary air traffic control facility for one year. however, after the tower was closed, FSS moved into the tower and remained for many years.  This facility was closed in 2000 and equipment and personnel transferred to a new building
Winter can be very dark.  The sun sets in November and does not rise again for 60 days
Deadhorse FSS in the winter looking northeast
An unusual place for a toilet.  This toilet is located on the second floor next to the supervisors desk.  On occasion the toilet on the ground floor freezes creating a need for an operable toilet
Deadhorse FSS consisting of four floors.  The first floor contained the entry and bathroom.  It was common for the water and toilet to freeze.  The second floor housed the supervisor, the third contained all the radios, tape recorders, and other electronic equipment.  The fourth and top floor was the FSS operations area.
Deadhorse FSS in the winter, looking south
View from the Deadhorse FSS (4th floor), looking south
Entrance to the Deadhorse FSS maintenance building, located at the base of the tower, 1998
Steve Laabs in the operations area of the old facility
Steve Laabs in the operations area of the old facility
Operations area of the old facility, 1998. Digital Directional Finder located far right
Operations area of the old facility.  The large glass windows were designed to sustain 55 mph winds and  personnel were required to vacate the top floor when winds exceeded 55.  Winds reached as high as 110 mph but never broke the glass, but it certainly could be seen bending.
Operations area of the facility, 1998
Inflight position, far right corner, 1998
Inflight position, 1998
Inflight position, 1998

Inflight position and new directional finder, 1998
Equipment room located on the third floor, 1998
Equipment room located on the third floor, 1998
Equipment room located on the third floor, 1998
North side entrance to living quarters.
Living quarters prior to moving into the new facility.  The living room, bathrooms, and kitchen area are common areas and shared by FSS and AF personnel.  Each person has their own bedroom which contains a single bed, TV, and a closet.

Hallway looking from living room area towards the north exit.

Typical FAA bedroom in the now closed Nana Camp.  FAA FSS and maintenance personnel shared this 10 room trailer during their 1-2 week shift at Deadhorse.

Kitchen at the FAA Nana Camp where employees often cooked their own meals.
The old Deadhorse facility, June 9, 2004, with fencing now in place around the airport.
Gravel roads, typical of the Prudhoe Bay area, connect to all the local oil camps. Winter travel on these roads during blizzards can be dangerous as visibility is reduced to zero.  On rare occasions, wind-chill temperatures can exceed -100 degrees.  The Dalton Highway, another gravel road, is the only road in and out of the Prudhoe Bay area and leads back to Fairbanks, Alaska through the mountains of the Brooks Range. 1999 photo.
Tyson’s General Store and US Post Office located in Prudhoe Bay. 1999 photo. These are the only few employees who actually live in Deadhorse. The remaining 25,000 Prudhoe Bay workers commute by commercial jets.
Caribou herding using a DC-6.  Caribou on the airport was a common scene in Deadhorse.  As Caribou moved through the area they frequently crossed the airport. and caused many air traffic delays  1999 photo.
Spring time in Deadhorse, Alaska
Arctic Ocean.  During the summer months you can see the ice pack just beyond the shoreline as in this photo.

Below: Construction of the new Deadhorse Flight Service Station underway in the year 2000

View looking NE from the Inflight position facing the runway
A few more weeks and the sun will rise over the new facility, located far left. Operations commenced December 21, 2000.
The new FSS facility will house the State of Alaska airport personnel and equipment as well as the new Deadhorse FSS (SCC) and living quarters. The FSS is located on the second floor.
The newly completed Deadhorse FSS facility.  Opened for 
business on December 21, 2000.

Summer photo of the new Deadhorse FSS.  July 13, 2000

Below; Mr. Bear checking out the new FSS facility under construction in early summer of 1999

Destruction of the Deadhorse Tower/FSS, July 13, 2004. Photos are in order of the destruction process, from left to right. Top row of photos are the last view from the tower prior to destruction.