Four-Course Radio Range, Whitmore, CA, 2019

Four-Course Radio Range, Whitmore, CA, 2019
Located 5 miles west of Whitmore, California, this is one of the few remaining four-course radio range locations. Wooden poles were used instead of steel antennas because metal would have interfered with the pattern created by the loop antennas. Eventually, these were replaced by the VOR.
40°37’30.88″N 121°59’48.60″W

Early low-frequency radio station (such as the above photo) based on crossed loop antennas; later installations used Adcock antennas for improved performance.

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Mobile FSS, 2006

Submitted by Calen Chrzan

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Mobile FSS, 2006
As part of our FSS history, sometimes a portable FSS was setup for special events such as Oshkosh where pilots would come in for a briefing.

The above photo was operated by the Kankakee AFSS at the World Freefall Convention in Rantoul IL in 2006. The trailer was based in the midwest, and this mobile FSS contained a remoted version of the Oasis operating  system.

Sacramento FSS, 1985

Submitted by Randy Colvin

Sacramento FSS, California, 1985
Randy Colvin working a position with Paul Curtin and John Prior in the background.