Chadron FSS R. Bodtke, 1986

Submitted by Roger C. Bodtke

Chadron FSS (CDR), Nebraska, 1986

Roger Bodtke, the last Chadron FSS air traffic manager, sitting at the Inflight radio console.

Chadron FSS Photos, 1969

Chadron FSS (CDR), Nebraska, July 1969
Looking north. The FSS facility is located on the opposite side (north end) of the hanger.  The array of radio antennas belonged to the Chadron FSS.

Looking north on a breezy day. Weather observation instruments can be seen to the right of the flagpole

Entrance to the FSS facility. Al Verge can bee seen standing in the doorway

Radio console at the Inflight position

Operations area. Tops of the teletypes can be seen in the lower half of the photo.

Pilot weather briefing area

Teletypes can be seen in the foreground of the operations area

Miles City Photos, 1977

MLS TTY 10-77.jpg (46279 bytes)

Miles City FSS (MLS), Montana, 1977
ATCS Jim Anez sitting at teletype in Miles City FSS October 1977.  Teletype Line Switching Unit (TLSU) is partially visible at left of picture

ATCS is Bob Jantzen (retired) standing at Directional Finder (DF) in Miles City FSS, Montana, October 1977. Inflight console is located to his right.

TCS is Jim Anez sitting at Inflight console, Miles City FSS, Montana, October 1977.  Weather maps are displayed above windows beyond the console

Billings FSS Photos, 1983

Billings FSS (BIL), Montana, about 1883
Photos submitted by Kay Roam

Kay Roam, Airways Facility Technician, testing communications equipment

Billings FSS Pilot Weather Briefing display

The Billings FSS is located on the 2nd floor of this terminal building in the rear where the ramp is located

Billings FSS Inflight position

St. Louis Radio Station, 1930

St. Louis Radio Station (STL), Missouri, 1930

St. Louis Airway Radio Station during the late 1920s or early ’30s. Barely visible in the photo is the wire strung between the tops of its twin antenna towers. During this era, some stations were making hourly weather broadcasts. When needed for safety, they also accepted messages from the airlines and transmitted them to pilots aloft

St. Louis FSS Employees, 1991

St. Louis Flight Service Employees (STL), Chesterfield, Missouri, 1991

The facility was decommissioned July 16, 2007.

Larry Mathers at the Flight Data position.

Walt Thurman at the NOTAM desk.

Clay Gerdine at the Inflight position.

Eileen Kassler at the Preflight position