N98, Fairchild C-123 FAA Aircraft, 2010

N98, an FAA Fairchild C-123, was an Alaskan workhorse hauling freight, cars, and groceries to FAA facilities throughout Alaska for many years. The aircraft was retired and parked in a field. June 15, 2010.


N98 on the ramp. Location unknown.

Honolulu AFSS, Hawaii

Inflight position, name and year unknown. The facility was decommissioned July 23, 2007.


Preflight position, name and year unknown


Name and year unknown

Yuma FSS Newspaper Article, 1976

Yuma Daily Sun Newspaper Article
Yuma FSS, November 7, 1976
Submitted by Barry Berkeley

FAA Boss is Keeping Her Smile


Ever since she graduated from high school, Merle Williamson has been interested in airplanes and radio transmission.

After high school, she wanted to be a radio operator for the airlines. Her school instructors urged her to apply to the Federal Aeronautics Administration (formerly Civil -Aeronautics Administration) to attend its program on airline radio operations. Although she was only 17, not the required 18 years old, she was admitted and learned radio operations.

Since that time, she has spent 27 years working for the FAA. She currently serves as facility chief of the Yuma Flight Service Station, with an assistant chief and seven air traffic control specialists working under her.

Weather Maps
Merle Williamson. facilities chief of the Yuma Flight Service Station, shows the weather maps on display in the station office at Yuma International Airport. She is one of three women in the West serving in that capacity.

When asked about the specifics of her job, she said. “I manage the staff and train those people who are accepted into the FAA program until they reach full performance level.”

In addition, my job includes giving flight assistance to air carrier pilots, general aviation students, and military pilots. We also provide pilots with information about making safe flights. Weather, flight routes, the airport services available, and emergency assistance to pilots in distress.

In most places, our service is also responsible for the air traffic control towers. But here, the military base (Marine Corps Air Station) handles the tower.”

“I give the written exams to private and commercial pilots,” she added.

Ms. Williamson has been in charge of the Yuma facility nearly four years. In that length of time she has lost 26 staff members, including one person who retired and
another who dropped out of the FAA program. The others have either been promoted or moved to other areas – an impressive complement to her training ability!

Before coming to Yuma, she was assistant chief of the flight service station in Reno, Nev. She competed with 40 others for the position of chief at the Yuma station.

She has no plans to move elsewhere. She could be moved to the regional office, but says she is happy in Yuma and plans to stay at this office until her retirement in about 3 ½ years.

“There really isn’t anywhere I could go,” she says. “There aren’t any higher positions open in my field.

Since she came to the Yuma facility, the flight station has been reclassified from level one to level two on a three-level range. “Level two means that our facility provides service to at least 100,000 and no more than 400,000 applicants annually. These numbers represent those who utilize our range of services.”

Barry Berkeley, air traffic control specialist, logs pertinent air traffic information, while Merle Williamson, chief of the Yuma Flight Service Station, looks over his shoulder at the airport facility.

She said there are women serving as chiefs in the flight service stations in San Diego and in Roswell N.M. About 16% of the women working in the western reg!on, which includes California, Nevada, and Arizona, are classified as air traffic control specialists. Currently there is just one woman air traffic control specialist in the Yuma office.

Despite her multiple duties as chief of the flight service station, she does manage time to take an active role in the local Soroptimist International Club and keep a smile on her face.

Western-Pacific Intercom, San Diego AFSS, 1988

Photos submitted by Barry Berkeley (retired in 2000 with 30 years)

July 25, 1988. Claude Cole on cover page notifying U S Customs of an aircraft crossing the Mexico/U.S Border on Memorial Day weekend. Below are additional San Diego AFSS employee photos from the same publication, including remarks.


Dian Kurtock coordinates with NORAD on a border crossing plane


“Cherokee N56933 San Diego Radio, stand by you’re number eight,”states Barry Berkeley who works the Inflight 1 position


Dealing with the backlog of border-crossing aircraft are Claude Genest and Barry Berkeley


Norm Baldwin diligently transfers a few remaining pre-stored flight plans to end yet another hectic Memorial Day weekend in San Diego

Macon AFSS Personnel Photos, 2005

Macon AFSS Personnel in 2005 prior to contracting FSS out through A76.
Photos submitted by Christoper Henne

Wendel Allen (WB)
Trey (TK)
Tim Parish (PH)


Ken Brookshire (KB)
Jackie Allen (JH)
Dan Cheek (DN)
Melinda (MG)
Gloria Day (GT)
Ernie (EQ)
Whyn Harris (WY)
David Heldrith (DD)
John Ansalmo (IO)
CL at the FSS Academy

Restored LA-A 59B, El Morro, New Mexico Metal Arrow

Restored LA-A 59B, El Morro, New Mexico Metal Route Arrow
Not all arrows were concrete. Metal arrows were easy to remove when a beacon site was shut down. This 9B El Morro, New Mexico emergency field arrow was salvaged and restored in Grants, New Mexico.

Relocation of airways left concrete arrows behind at many of the sites, but when the site was re-installed in 1930-31 (mostly) the arrows were non-critical due to  radio navigation signals, voice radios, enclosed cockpits, and better sectional charts. Only rarely across the US were arrows em-placed as of 1932. These were mainly the rare 1930’s metal arrows shown above but were not always on airfield sites.

Concrete Arrows, 37B LA-SL Shinob Kibe, Washington, Utah, 2019

Photo submitted by Mick Batt

This concrete arrow is located in Washington City (St. George) on top of the 3,300 foot Shinob Kibe Plateau (37° 7’2.76″N 113°29’15.91″W). Contract Air Mail Route (CAM) #4 Los Angeles, California to Salt Lake City, Utah. Looking WSW.


Photo submitted by Mick Batt

Looking ENE. There is no arrow on the west end.


Photo submitted by Mick Batt

Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway Realignment by DoC: 1930-1932

Photos by Jack Bell and Department of Commerce (DoC), courtesy of his son – Bill Bell

Historical Photo Background
The 2nd transcontinental airway was established across the country from New York to Los Angeles in mid 1929.. . However, not all the beacons were completed by July 1929. Transcontinental Air Transport (C. Lindbergh) established the route as a plane-and-train service coast-to-coast. They partnered with Pennsylvania and Santa Fe Railroads for night travel where beacons were not ready. Result – coast-to-coast in 48 hrs.

Charles Lindbergh – was on staff as the Technical Committee Chairman for the entire T.A.T airline venture. He was also a stockholder and the face of T.A.T., of course a household name in 1927 onward. (a plus for getting investors on board and for marketing the air service).

Service began July 1929. Sept 1929 was the first crash. This occurred west of Albuquerque at Mt. Taylor. By the time the western New Mexico beacons were all in place, the four-course radio navigation range was being deployed. Also, post-crash(es), moving the beacons south of the New Mexico mountains in a shorter air-line was desired, and the Department of Commerce forces (including Jack Bell who worked for the DoC from 1930-1932) did most of the work on relocation’s.

Per the photos, no challenge was too great for these crews. Removing the beacon towers left concrete arrows behind at many of the sites, but when re-installed in 1930-31 (mostly) the arrows were non-critical due to  radio navigation signals, voice radios, enclosed cockpits, and better sectional charts. Only rarely across the US were arrows em-placed as of 1932. These were mainly the rare 1930’s metal arrows but were not always on airfield sites.

Relocating beacon sites was probably routine for these crews, but the obstacles were unique. Still, the technology was simple and reliable. One has to view these photos through a 1929 lens.

Corrections and historical information provided by Steve Owens and Dave DuPree.

1927 Windmill Light, West Coast.   This is a GE cluster beacon to be installed on a windmill-type tower, (not a standard 51-foot tower). The GE “cluster beacon” is actually composed of four standard Ford Model A headlights. Even the brackets are straight from the Model A. These are known to have been installed at special locations on the federal airways in 1926-27. Apparently, they were initially procured by the Post Office (POD), but the Department of Commerce (DoC) continued, for a short time, to install them after the transition.


Beacon tower, location unknown


GE cluster beacon tower, location unknown


Fox Mountain, Elevation 9,997 feet. 34° 4’40.59″N 108°42’17.74″W


Armed men at unknown site were Department of Commerce (DoC) construction crew and inspectors/supervisors


Generator Hut, LA-A Site 62, Bonita Canyon, New Mexico. The hut was being relocated 1930 from the 1929 Gallup route, to straighten the airway beacon line for radio navigation and safety in mountains. This Los Angeles-Amarillo (LA-A) Beacon 62 was 600 feet up and east, on the rim of San Rafael Mesa.  This power shed 62 is now a key feature of the aviation museum in Milan (Western New Mexico Airways Heritage Museum).

View the beautifully restored LA-A Hut 62 site

LA-A Light Line Site 62, Bonita Canyon, New Mexico


Aircraft view, Possibly Mesa Gigante, New Mexico


Power line survey at Mesa Gigante, New Mexico for LA-A 66. Rim-view NW. Name unknown


Power line survey at Mesa Gigante, New Mexico for LA-A 66. Rim-view NW. Name unknown


Tribal land access road (permit required) to Site 66, below Mesa Gigante, New Mexico to relocate beacon 66 (previously site 74) to a location west of Mesa Gigante. Mesa Gigante in on right side of photo.


Generator House in transit (1930-31) across tribal lands (permit required) from Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT) site 74 (Suwanee) to west side of Mesa Gigante as LA-A Beacon 66.


Relocation of former Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT) Generator House 74 as LA-A Beacon 66, sited below west rim of Mesa Gigante, New Mexico.


Relocation of former Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT) Generator House 74 across tribal lands (permit required) as LA-A Beacon 66, sited below west rim of Mesa Gigante, New Mexico.


Relocation of former Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT) Generator House 74 across tribal lands (permit required) as LA-A Beacon 66, sited below west rim of Mesa Gigante, New Mexico. 1929-1930 Ford Model AA’s.


Re-establishment of LA-A 74 Generator House by Department of Commerce (DoC) crews to become LA-A 66, Mesa Gigante (names unknown). 1929-1930 Ford Model AA’s.


View from Mesa Gigante, New Mexico down the new power line to Generator Shed LA-A 66, *Traces of possible metal arrow were located on the rim mesa here.


TAT Site 74 being demobilized to the north and reconstructed as LA-A Beacon 66 located 3/4 mile north of abandoned Route 66. 1929-1930 Ford Model AA’s.

Click here for additional information on on Site 74


Lower power house generator and fuel tanks for LA-A site  61, Oso Ridge, New Mexico. Established on the Continental Divide.


Jack and Dean, unknown location


Department of Commerce (DoC) power line lighting crew. Site unknown. 1929-30 Ford Model AA’s.


Department of Commerce (DoC) power line lighting crew. Site unknown. 1929-30 Ford Model AA’s.


Department of Commerce (DoC) power line lighting crew East of Grants, New Mexico. Ford Model AA’s. Site unknown


Department of Commerce 1929-30 Ford Model AA’s work truck with a load of power poles, Main Street, Grants, New Mexico. Background sign on right reads “Swastika Cottage Camp” (motor court).


LA-A Site 60 Light Line, El Morro, New Mexico


LA-A Site 60 Beacon Tower, El Morro, New Mexico. The tower is barely visibly on outcrop at rim of the mesa,. Photo taken from the standard Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA) beacon generator hut at El Morro Village, New Mexico.












Beacon Light, possibly located at Acomita, New Mexico
Beacon Light, possibly located at Acomita Department of Commerce (DoC) / Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA) intermediate airfield, New Mexico


Mt Taylor in distant background possibly looking from Acomita, New Mexico


Both Steve Ownes and Dave DuPree have sought out unique beacon sites searching in Arizona for a concrete arrows and in New Mexico for a metal arrow other than airfield locations. So far, neither search has paid off for them. Metal arrows were easy to remove when a beacon site was shut down.  They salvaged and restored the metal route arrow above for LA-A 59B, El Morro emergency field.  Donated by the landowners at El Morro, this restored arrow is one key asset of their museum at Grants, New Mexico.

View several great historical videos from Cibola County Historical Society at Grants, New Mexico