Arlington, Oregon Intermediate Field, Site 12

Photos and information submitted by David A. Sbur 

If you look closely you can see some faint numbers on the roofs of the sheds for the Portland-Spokane Airway, part of the C.A.M. 32 route. No trace of a concrete arrow could be found on the site.

The airport was listed in the Dept of Commerce listings in 1931 as a DOCILF (Dept of Commerce intermediate landing field). It was also used as an Army Air Force auxilliary field in WW2. It’s pretty sleepy now, the only activity is a local drone company that does it’s testing there.

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 12, Portland-Spokane Airway. One and one-fourth miles E. Altitude, 850 feet. Irregular shape, 2,400 feet E./W., 2,000 feet NW./SE., sod, level, natural drainage; entire field available. Directional arrow marked “12 P-S.” Pole line to N., beacon tower to NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic “2” (.._). Aviation fuel. No other servicing facilities. Teletypewriter. Department of Commerce marker beacon, characteristic signal “H” (. . . .), operating frequencies 248 and 278 kc.


Probably the generator shed.


Inside the generator shed.


Possibly the teletype office


Unknown item


Electrical standoffs on the field along the length of the landing area but offset a few hundred yards.


The beacon does not appear to be the original 24″ size, perhaps it is an old course light?





Los Angeles Mayor Sends Letter to New York, 1926

April 17, 1926
The mayor of Los Angeles sent an oversized letter to the mayor of New York City proudly stating it would cross the country in just 30 hours. This was only possible without the new lighted airway system. Once the new lighted airway was in place, that same letter that used to take 83 hours took just 33 hours to get from New York to San Francisco.

Montgomery FSS (MGM), Alabama, 1970

Submitted by Charles Blankenship

Montgomery FSS, Alabama Employees, 1970
Names L-R:  Cecil Strickland (Supervisor), Charles Blankenship, Unknown, Helen Shope, Ned Scruggs (back row), Chester ? (tallest person), Grady Denson (Supervisor-2nd row), Don Macomber (Supervisor-front row), Hillary McMillan (back row), Merle Hagler (finished her career at ZME ARTCC), Lewis Grimes (became Manager years later), Ben Hardin (far right).