Tanana FSS History

History of Tanana, Alaska, FSS Facilities and Services
4/30/43 SBRAZ-P-D commissioned. Range, voice facility and point-to-point commissioned.
5/04/43 Weather reporting, point-to-point and 3105, 4495, 6120 kcs guard began on 24 hour basis.
5/27/43 Station location marker commissioned.
11/04/43 Circuit 305 commissioned.
12/15/45 Circuit E-47 guard discontinued.
12/16/45 FAA assumed weather observational program; hourlies only.
10/24/46 5672.5 kcs discontinued.
3/01/47 126.18 mcs commissioned.
9/01/49 Guard on 6210 kcs discontinued.
7/06/50 121.5 mc commissioned.
2/01/51 2748 kc and 5357.5 kc circuit 305 placed in standby status.
8/01/51 140.58 mc decommissioned. 135.0 and 135.9 commissioned.
5/03/52 VHF point-to-point extended to Tanana. Circuits 808,804, and 860F commissioned. 303X and 305 decommissioned.
11/12/52 Air/ground frequencies 122.2. 122.1 and 126.7 mc commissioned.
3/25/54 255.4 mc commissioned.
5/17/54 4062.5 kc decommissioned.
5/17/54 4055 kc commissioned.
3/08/57 255.4 and 243.0 mc commissioned.
10/15/57 135.0 mc decommissioned.
3/ /58 45.22 mc canceled.
3/14/58 Tie-in to White Alice point-to-point completed at TAL.
6/27/58 Circuit 9337 installed TAL/BEAR Creek awaiting tie in to Indian Mountain.
12/13/58 Circuit 9337-TM commissioned.
1/01/59 120.7 mc transmit commissioned.
1959 New equipment on 135.9 mc commissioned.
9/24/59 Installed receiver muting on 1790 kc and 4055 kc.
11/25/59 Circuit 9337T, receive-only commissioned.
4/28/60 Circuit 9337T decommissioned.
9/13/60 Permafrost equipment removed.

Barrow FSS History, 1944-1953

History of Barrow FSS Facilities and Services
Barrow, Alaska
11/04/44 MRL range commissioned by Navy. Aerophare also in operation. AACS guards 4420, 3105 and 1638 kcs, point-to-point on 5065, 2610. Air/ground 4220 and 2994.
3/30/46 AACS decommissioned. Navy assumes operation.
8/11/46 2912/4220 kcs commissioned.
10/09/46 Moved to new control station.
3/13/47 130 kcs decommissioned.
4/01/47 Aerophare on 437 kcs relocated to 2 miles from SW end runway 2-20 with output of 2kw.
4/08/47 High powered “H” marker commissioned.
9/08/47 New MRLZ range commissioned. Located 13,768 feet SW end of runway 2-20 at a bearing 200 degrees magnetic. Operation of AN/CPN-11 range discontinued.
3/07/48 Homing beacon on 437 kc has been relocated to 15,000 feet from field on a magnetic bearing of 200 degrees. Old Homer will be used as standby.
3/18/48 Radar beacon AN/CPN-6 commissioned by AACS.
3/20/48 D/F station commissioned by AACS. D/F service on frequencies between 2 and 10 mcs.
3/20/48 Air/ground facilities commissioned by AACS; send-receive channels, 3452.5, 6355, 7560, 8200, 10645, 11445 kcs, A-1 emission only.
4/01/48 MEW range on 287 kc commissioned. Identification POOL.
3/04/49 Army airways established 24 hour guard on 8200 and 4595 kcs.
3/24/49 MLW radio range on 287 kcs converted to MHW.
8/05/49 Circuit 177V moved from Army receiver site to Army transmitter site.
9/01/49 Guard on 6210 kcs discontinued.
3/16/50 Off airways frequency 4055 kc commissioned.
8/18/50 Transmit/receive on 2912 kc decommissioned. 5037.5 kc commissioned.
5/10/51 121.5 mc commissioned.
3/30/53 Air/ground 122.1, 122.2 and 126.7 commissioned.
4/14/53 Radio beacon 437 kc decommissioned.
6/30/53 4220 kc decommissioned.
9/20/53 MHW radio range on 287 kc decommissioned.
10/01/53 FAA operation of Point Barrow discontinued.
Can you help?  We are building a Flight Service historical page.  Do you have access to any old photos related to Flight Service buildings, equipment, personnel, or other related historical data?


Fairbanks History

History of Fairbanks FSS Facilities and Services
Fairbanks, Alaska
1/01/40 FAA assumed operation from AA & CC.
3/20/40 SBRAZ-P-D commissioned.
6/15/40 Hours station operation increased to 16 from 12 hours daily.
4/28/41 Range frequency changed from 236 to 260 kc.
7/25/42 Commenced use of 5672.5 kc on D453.
2/01/43 Airport Control Tower commissioned.
11/04/43 Circuit 305 commissioned.
11/28/43 Dual control range by Ladd Tower and Radio commissioned.
1/01/44 UHF System installed and commissioned.
2/06/44 FAA facilities using power from CT site and commissioned. Northern commercial power is stand-by.
2/15/44 Weeks Field control tower closed from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
3/03/44 Circuit 304 commissioned.
8/23/44 FAA assumed custodianship and maintenance responsibility of PAA ground communication equipment at Fairbanks.
9/13/44 Circuit 372 decommissioned. May use transmitter on present PanAm assignment temporarily.
10/01/44 FSS assumed operation of all PAA communications.
10/05/44 Circuit E457 commissioned.
10/15/44 6537 and 9980 kc commissioned in Collins BC642. 5010 kc shifted to THV and may be keyed simultaneously with 1618. Two additional receivers installed E457 position.
10/28/44 ACS connected to Circuit llOT.
11/23/44 PAA private teletype circuit installed connecting FAA, PAA hanger, and downtown PAA office.
1/06/45 TLC transmitter commissioned 189 kc.
1/13/45 TLC transmitter commissioned on 139 kc.
3/19/45 Fairbanks-Whitehorse Schedule B express circuit commissioned. (Circuit 9390).
3/29/45 Installation of the lighting chokes and commissioning of Fairbanks range tower obstruction lighting was completed.
4/16/45 Nenana-Fairbanks teletype installation completed.
4/17/45 Approach control recommissioned.
5/09/45 Circuit 302x placed in inactive status.
6/04/45 Reperforators installed on circuit 9880 and local circuit to Weather Bureau.
8/21/45 Weeks Field Tower decommissioned.
10/08/45 Teletype service between ACS and Fairbanks discontinued.
10/17/45 CPAL placed on local teletype circuit.
10/24/45 CPAL began scheduled operations, XY‑FX.
11/12/45 Circuit 804 decommissioned (Express FX‑XY.)
11/12/45 Circuit 9390 officially commissioned.
11/16/45 Circuit 304 placed in stand‑by status.
1/01/46 Station KAZOO discontinued.
1/30/46 Switching arrangement installed to interconnect circuits 801T and 9390.
3/05/46 Drop on 9892T installed at PAA.
4/01/46 City returned control of Weeks Tower to FAA.
5/10/46 Weeks Tower commenced operation by FAA, 1800­ 1000Z daily.
5/16/46 Tower commissioned.
5/18/46 E458 completely installed and commissioned. Installed between 304 and 305 positions.
6/05/46 Circuit 9892T commissioned.
7/10/46 Circuit E458 commissioned.
7/24/46 Weeks Tower hours of operation 1700Z-09OOZ.
9/13/46 Teletype installed ASA Circuit 117T.
9/20/46 Circuit 305 channels placed in THV transmitter. Change‑over from THQ transmitter to the Circuit 304 THV of Circuit 305 frequencies and placing of Circuit 304 frequencies in the THQ completed. (Except for providing voice modulation on Circuit 304 frequencies.)
10/19/46 Channel 34, 6765 kc, Circuit 303X, commissioned.
12/11/46 Airport tower decommissioned. Center moved to communication station temporarily.
12/24/46 Fire completely destroyed Fairbanks Telephone Co. exchange, necessitating set up communications circuits at Fairbanks to best advantage.
3/04/47 Operation circuit 309 inaugurated. Remote keying of 199 kc 2610, 5065 kc, simultaneously at Ladd Field, receiving 2 high frequencies on CW.       Receiving 199 on super pro receiver.
3/29/47 PAA removed from Circuit 103T and placed on 110T.
6/14/47 TLE transmitter commissioned on 199 kc with power reduced to 4 kw. Due generator limitations. TLC transmitter required only for standby on circuit 302X.
6/27/47 Circuit 807 (Service F) commissioned.
7/31/47 Communications with Thule terminated.
6/18/47 Fire in construction warehouse Fairbanks control site, damage confined to outside and underneath portions. Estimate 33 1/3% damage.       Unknown origin.
8/07/47 THV-1 transmitter commissioned on Circuit 305 channels 52, 53 and 54.
1/15/48 118/3 mc send/receive commissioned at Weeks Field.
9/23/48 Fairbanks Radio. Air/ground transmitting and receiving facilities on 1674, 6537 and 9980 kc discontinued.
9/25/48 Automatic range monitoring device commissioned.
11/25/48 Automatic range monitoring device decommissioned.
11/01/49 Weeks Tower discontinued guard on 6120 kc.
11/01/49 Private teletype circuit 116T decommissioned at PAA.
11/01/49 Circuit 115T. PAA Ladd Field, and PAA city office added.
11/03/49 Two high frequencies on Circuit 301 discontinued.
11/03/49 Inaugurated operation on Air Force circuit 8335T.
11/03/49 Local teletype circuit 11T decommissioned.
12/28/49 Wien Alaska Airlines drops on 112F and 117F discontinued. Equipment removed.
2/04/50 Circuit 112F and 117 decommissioned at Wien Alaska Airlines.
3/25/50 Teletype service to Canadian Pacific Airlines circuit 117 discontinued.
4/25/50 Circuit 802 (B) and circuit 803 (A) commissioned.
5/09/50 WBAS drop on circuit 251 discontinued. Circuit 251 decommissioned.
5/26/50 Circuits 802 and 803 extended to Anchorage.
5/29/50 Circuit 9119 placed in standby status.
7/22/50 Circuits 801T and 802T combined, switching available.
7/22/50 Circuits 301T commissioned utilizing former 801T line.
7/30/50 Weeks Tower begins 24‑hour operations.
8/15/50 Service A, circuit 303X decommissioned.
8/30/50 Service E, 121.5 mc commissioned.
8/24/50 Circuit 8335 decommissioned. Circuit 111 reestablished.
9/17/50 Apt. Tower hours of operation will be 1600Z-0800Z.
9/29/50 Circuit 301 decommissioned.
9/29/50 Circuit 808 commissioned.
9/30/50 Fairbanks and Nome placed on receive/only basis on circuit 301.
10/04/50 403 re-commissioned for traffic handling only.
11/03/50 VHF 118.3 installed Weeks Field Tower.
12/19/50 Circuit 9119 decommissioned.
1/19/51 Receive/only drop commissioned circuit 327T.
2/01/51 Channels 52, 53 and 54 circuit 305 placed on standby. Channel 51, circuit 305 and circuit 309 combined.
2/12/51 Circuit 808T decommissioned.
2/15/51 Service ”B” circuit 802T commissioned.
2/15/51 Security control position commissioned (temporary)
6/01/51 Airport control tower commissioned 1600Z. Hours of operation 1600‑0800Z. International Airport. Weeks Field Tower decommissioned 0800Z.
6/05/51 International Express Airport opened to all type of aircraft.
6/07/51 FKS identifier assigned Fairbanks International Airport.
6/07/51 Outer marker compass locator on 375 kc and middle marker compass locator on 215 kc commissioned.
7/01/51 Airport Traffic Control Tower at International Airport commissioned.
8/27/51 Tower commenced 24-hour operation.
10/13/51 Alaska Airlines decommissioned on circuit 117T.
10/18/51 Weeks Tower burned down, complete loss.
11/19/51 Alaska Airlines commissioned on circuit 115T.
1/01/52 International Airport identifier reverted to FAI.
2/01/52 Non-directional radio beacon, class NHW, ident. “FOX”, frequency 356 kc commissioned.
2/16/52 135.0 mc transmit decommissioned. 135.9 mc transmit commissioned in ARTCC.
2/21/52 ILS compass locator at outer marker changed from FK to FA and that of the middle marker from KS to AI.
3/29/52 Security control position commissioned.
6/01/52 Identification Eielson AFB radio range changed from TSM to EAF.
6/?/52 121.9 mc commissioned at Fairbanks Tower.
8/01/52 Frequency Eielson AFB radio range changed from 308 to 287 kc.
9/18/52 Frequency outer compass locator ILS changed from 375 to 227.
12/19/52 121.5 mc commissioned International Airport Tower.
1/26/53 Air/ground 1222.1, 122.2, and 126.7 mc commissioned.
3/27/53 ILS commissioned.
1/05/54 Control area extended to include Amber 2 to Bettles, Blue 27 to Kotzebue.
3/01/54 Phillips Field fast line decommissioned.
10/14/54 International Tower occupied. Moved from temporary structure.
10/25/54 Combined FSS/Tower commissioned.
10/25/54 Circuit 11OF commissioned to Tower.
12/01/54 243 kc, 255.4 mc and 257.8 mc commissioned in the tower.
3/31/55 3082.5 and 5037.5 kc circuit E457 decommissioned.
3/31/55 2973 and 5499 kc commissioned on E457.
3/31/55 2946 and 5672.5 circuit E458 decommissioned.
3/31/55 2931 and 5544 kc commissioned circuit E458.
5/01/55 Combined facility commissioned.
5/01/55 Combined facility commissioned. (Tower)
6/03/55 3255 kc decommissioned.
6/03/55 3253 kc commissioned.
10/11/55 NE course LFR realigned clockwise 178, and SW course to 005 magnetic.
1/14/56 117T commissioned in CS/T.
6/14/56 Interphone Circuit 296F to Murphy Dome commissioned. (Tower)
7/01/56 348.6 mc. Commissioned.
4/02/57 Air-ground transmitting and receiving facilities 8871 and 11356.5 kc commissioned.
6/22/57 FAS interphone commissioned.
8/08/57 248T extended to station manager’s office.
10/04/57 Transmissometer and rotating beam ceilometer commissioned by WBRAO.
3/?/58 76.4 mc commissioned March 1958.
3/01/58 6N11T decommissioned.
7/25/58 ASA removed from 115T.
8/09/58 118F decommissioned completely.
8/30/58 309T decommissioned.
10/28/58 Decommissioned Service B 7917.
10/28/58 Commissioned Service A circuit 7915.
12/01/58 Commissioned receive‑only drop circuit 7913, Service A, in tower cab.
2/24/59 Alder (ALE) MHW commissioned.
3/24/59 120.7 mc. Commissioned.
6/04/59 Model 28 printer installed receive-only circuit 7913T.
7/01/59 Control boundaries revised. (See entry in Anchorage ARTCC of same date.)
8/10/59 Wien Alaska City Office decommissioned, teletypewriter circuit 115T.
10/21/59 Type A approach lights commissioned, Runway 19, Fairbanks International Airport.
12/31/59 Telephone rearrangement completed.
4/11/60 Glide path, middle marker, middle compass locators, and localizer relocation outage. Expected to return to service by January 1,1961.
4/11/60 ALS shut down until November 1, 1960.
4/23/60 Circuit 7915T decommissioned.
6/         /60 VOR on test basis operating 108.2 mc.
8/17/60 Service F circuit 240F decommissioned.
8/17/60 Commissioned drop on longline interphone circuit 7939F.
8/22/60 Circuits 117T and 304 decommissioned.
8/23/60 All operations decommissioned at the Fairbanks teletypewriter horseshoe. All operations confined to the tower cab in a commissioned status. Send/ receive Service A 7913T and Service C 7918T commissioned in the WBAS.
9/22/60 Circuit 9555V discontinued including range voice control feature switch.
10/19/60 Army operations added to interphone circuit 2723F. Tower operations changed from Air Force to Army.
11/08/60 Fairbanks ILS recommissioned (080200Z).
11/30/60 Fairbanks ALS recommissioned (301930Z).
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Big Delta FSS History

History of Big Delta FSS Facilities and Services
Big Delta, Alaska
1/15/42 SRAW commissioned.
5/01/42 Station commissioned: Hours ‑ 8 AM to 4 PM.
7/25/42 Station placed on 24‑hr operation.
9/01/42 1618 kc commissioned.
4/30/44 Army tower commissioned.
10/09/44 7375 kc commissioned.
2/15/45 North and south legs JQ range realigned 20 degrees counter-clockwise. East and west legs remain the same.
3/01/45 Army completed installation of field wires and connected for joint installation of range.
3/27/45 Dual range control by Army Tower and FAA installed.
5/09/45 Circuit 302X operation discontinued.
5/31/45 A-3 transmissions channels 43 and 44 installed.
10/14/45 Type 19 telescope commissioned and transmissions from FAA on Circuit 9880 began.
10/15/45 FAA personnel assumed weather observation duties.
10/24/45 Suspended operations Circuit 304. Operate only during failure of teletype Circuit 9374.
11/12/45 Circuit 9390 officially commissioned.
10/24/46 5672.5 kc decommissioned.
6/27/47 Circuit 807 (Service F) commissioned.
7/10/47 3357.5 kc commissioned in THQ.
8/13/47 Tower activated by Army.
10/18/47 GCA commissioned.
12/12/47 VHF DF facilities commissioned.
12/20/47 Bartow lights recommissioned.
12/24/47 1790 kc commissioned in THQ.
3/05/48 VHF/DF discontinued operations.
3/13/48 Big Delta GCA decommissioned.
3/31/48 VHF/DF recommissioned. Continuous operations on channels “B” and “D”.
4/20/48 Radio range courses realigned as follows: Northwest course 124 degrees, west course 71 degrees magnetic and toward station.
4/25/48 VHF/DF discontinued operations.
6/21/48 Southeast course of the radio range realigned to 269 degrees magnetic and toward station.
6/22/48 Hours of operation Control Tower changed to 1700-09OOZ daily.
9/30/48 Automatic range monitoring device commissioned.
11/25/48 Airport Traffic Control Tower operates 1700-09OOZ. 30 minutes notice all other times.
1/03/49 AFB Control Tower, hours of operation 1800-09OOZ. 30 minute notice at all other times.
1/25/49 AFB Control Tower, operating 1800-0300Z Monday through Friday. 30 minute notice at all other times.
2/01/49 Radio range frequency changed to 347 kc.
2/12/49 Automatic range monitoring device decommissioned.
2/19/49 Airport traffic control tower discontinued.
2/19/49 All air/ground (Army Airways) frequencies discontinued.
9/01/49 Guard on 6210 kc discontinued.
11/22/49 Frequency 1648 kc commissioned.
11/30/49 Remote receiver site decommissioned. All equipment removed. Off airways frequency antenna moved to the control station site. Building leased to the Army.
5/21/50 Transmitting and receiving facilities on 121.5 mc commissioned.
10/25/50 Started collection of EAA off airway weather.
11/17/50 140.58 mc commissioned.
11/17/50 Circuit 301 extended to Arctic Test Branch as receive only.
12/22/50 Local Circuit 183 commissioned.
8/01/51 140.58 mc decommissioned. 135.0/135.9 commissioned.
8/12/53 122.1, 122.2, and 126.7 mc commissioned.
6/05/53 Circuits 183T, 185T and 184V decommissioned.
2/16/54 255.4 mc and 243.0 commissioned.
6/03/55 3255 kc decommissioned.
6/03/55 3253 kc commissioned.
10/10/56 243.0 and 255.4 mc commissioned.
10/15/57 135.0 mc decommissioned.
10/20/58 Service B circuit 7917 decommissioned. Service B circuit 7915 commissioned.
1/01/59 120.7 mc transmitting frequency commissioned.
10/02/59 Muting of weather collection receivers 1790, 3253,4055 kcs complete.
10/12/59 Local interphone circuit 180 F between ATCS and Fort Greeley Operations commissioned.
12/23/59 Big Delta VOR 109.2 commissioned. Located one mile NNE of airport.
1/21/60 TVOR flight checked and commissioned by USAF.
6/22/60 Monitor jacks installed on interphone.
8/24/60 Permafrost equipment removed.

Interior photos of an Unknown FSS facility

Can you identify the site?

Interior photos of an unknown Flight Service.  This group of photos was submitted with others from the Illinois area.

Assistant Chief’s Office

Flight Data position

Inflight #1 position

Inflight #2 position

Preflight #3 position and the request/reply ASR teletype

Preflight 1 and 2 positions

Teletype position

Weather console

Group photo CAA Chief Aircraft Communicators, 4th Region, 1945

Chief Aircraft Communicators, 4th Region, January 18, 1945

In 1945 the stations still used two-letter identifiers.  The chiefs
are listed from left to right by their last names followed by their
sites two-letter identifier.

Front row:
Twyefforet, EM (El Morrow); Estes, LL (Laredo); Rogers, VM (Gage); Richards, LI (Little Rock);  Guynes, UX (Palacios); Kendricks, YK (Yokum); Cathey, EO (El Paso); Van Hook, LC (Lake Charles); McCormick, OL
(Oklahoma City); IGO, PC (Ponca City).

Second row:
Falcon, UG (Lafayette); Barclay, WC (Waco); Williams, OT (Otto); Land, DN
(Salt Flat); Hurst, CP (Childress); Christenson, AC (Anton); Metcalf, TR (Chico); John, NT (Texarkana), Robbins, BZ (Navasota); O’Neil, JI (Big Springs); Leflore, ZO (Brownsville).

Third row:
Bussey, AT (Ardmore); Ditmore, VH (Las Vegas); Bettis, WF (Wichita Falls); Rosser, KY (Guadalupe Pass); Fohn, XN; Jones, ZH (Austin): Donahoe, AQ (Shreveport); Lawson, GS (Amarillo); C.E. Carroll, WP Galveston); J.L.A. Carroll, KS (Wink); Goldberg, AB (Columbus); Loving, GE( Albuquerque); Parmley, RH (Gainseville); Riefenberg, CR (Rodeo); Fry, EZ (Corpus Christi); Braden, DL (Dallas); Selby, FV (Fort Worth); Swint, EX (Hot Springs – Truth or Consequences).

Back row:
Rand, TS (Tulsa); Jordan, HV (Harpersville); Connally, AK (Acomita); Lanman, JR (Baton Rouge); Shadden, OS (Socorro); Norton, HU (Houston); Martin, AP (Abilene); Hover, UO (Monroe); Guillott, JU (Beaumont); Regional Manager, L.C. Elliott; G.L. Rand, Washington Office; Pittius, SJ (Santa Fe); Logan, TC (Tucumcari).