Kotzebue FSS Building, Winter and Summertime

Kotzebue FSS and National Weather Service (NWS) Building (OTZ), Alaska

Wintertime in Kotzebue.  Kotzebue FSS was a level II facility located 33 miles above the arctic circle.  During the summer months one could literally step out the back door and catch fish in the Kotzebue Sound (Arctic Ocean), which lies behind the building. The Ocean freezes over during the long winter months.

Entry into the FSS/NWS was obtained on the right side of the building. The center section housed the FSS, the left the NWS. The right side was the equipment room.

Summertime in Kotzebue

View looking north.  The main entrance to the FSS and NWS facility was located on the opposite end of the building. In this photo, the FSS facility was housed in the section on the right and the NWS in the left section facing this photo. The Arctic Ocean can be seen on the left.