Class 99006

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99006 Official Class.jpg (26574 bytes)

Course 50244
Class dates:  9/29/99 thru 12/7/99

Class Names (left to right)

Front Row: 
Bobby Prentice (NWS), Kevin Ebat, Roland Seeley, Archer Bailey, Doug Streu (NWS), Ariel Garcia, Esther Lloyd (Instructor), Chad Walker (Systems Support).

Back Row: 
Rick Akers (Supervisor), Carl Hendrickson (Instructor), Ken Vessel  (Instructor), Donna Halbakken (Instructor), John Schamel (Instructor), Freda Willman (Systems Support), Mike Delashaw (System Support), Cindy Work (Instructor), George Johnson (Instructor), Carol Bowe (Instructor).

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