Submitted by A.C. Miller
Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA)
Class 8-9, Fifth Region, Kansas City, Missouri
May 1944
Gwendolyn Jeanette Miller is the mother of A.C. (Ace) Miller who submitted this photo. Gwendolyn is located in the front row, 4th from the left.
Below are the signatures from the back of the above photo.

Below are the interpretation of the above signatures. The order is unknown
Don Martin
J. David Sellegrand (LS)
Jessie Tyler S.F. S.D.
Rogene Litherbury
Charlotte Blarm (Mpls., Minn)
Mary Milleman (Princeton, MA)
Lois Thaden Bancroft, S.D.
Joy Brainerd, Sioux City, Iowa
Bonnie Worth, Dalton, Nebraska
Arleen M. Lowry, Denver, Colorado
Muriel Fraser (Chanute, KS.)
Betty Frash, Malta, Ohio
Lorraine Moulsby, Sioux City
Marjory Weaver (Grand Island)
Mary Lou Zimmerman
M Goulart, K.C., Mo
Marjorie Langen (LS-TF)
James K. Bibler, Denver, Colo.
Sarah Jane Jones, Springfield, MO.
Lib Cavanaugh, Kansas City, MO.
Hazel E. Gee, Palmyra, Nebr.
The original envelope containing this photo states:
Anderson Photo, Co., (L.C. “Andy” Anderson)
912 Grand Ave.
Kansas City, Mo.
Established Dec 20, 1911.